Please tell me this is all just a nightmare

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I can’t believe this happened to me. I just can’t. This can’t be real. Please tell me that this is all just some sort of nightmare and that it will end. Please, just make it end.

Last week it was just this buzzing sound. It wasn’t loud, it wasn’t even disturbing; it was just odd. I tried to figure out where it came from, but all I really could make out was that it was from somewhere behind the wall. We’re on the first floor so there can’t really be anything. Jonathan thought it was just some sort of insect nesting on the outside of our apartment wall.

But the next day, that was Wednesday, the noise wasn’t gone. It was louder, like a small scratch in the wall, like a rat or a child’s wind-up car.

Still Jonathan said I shouldn’t be worried; he said that everything would be fine. We couldn’t see anything unusual when we looked out of the window.

At night our bedroom door kept most of the noise out; still it was somewhat hard to sleep, knowing that there was something out there, right outside our living room.

Thursday it was worse, like a constant vibration that was slowly spreading throughout the wall. The neighbors said they didn’t hear or see anything. The landlord promised he would check it out. It was hard to fall asleep, particularly with the heat in our apartment. I mean, summer was coming, but it hadn’t felt that warm outside.

On Friday Jonathan called the landlord again. He told the landlord that it was getting worse; our wall felt as if a series of small motors had been stuffed inside it. Jonathan said that it was likely the A/C unit, but I didn’t believe him. The A/C looked fine, other than that it didn’t turn on.

Jonathan also told the landlord about the small cuts in the wallpaper. They had appeared overnight; as if someone had gone along the wall with a tiny knife.

The buzzing was like a constant barrage of white noise; it was impossible to ignore. It was surprisingly easy to sleep though. I think I rarely slept that deeply.

I think that’s why I didn’t feel anything when these small bulges appeared on my feet and arms. I mean. I thought it were bugs, maybe bed bugs or something. Jonathan had some too.

When I was out shopping I noticed that the bulges kept growing. They were a light red and a transparent whitish liquid kept seeping out. I never had any bug bites that were that bad.

When I came home in the evening Jonathan had crushed a hole in the wall. He said that it wasn’t him, but I didn’t believe that. I mean, pieces of cement don’t just fall out of the wall.

The wall was hollow. Jonathan said something must be living in it.

The buzzing was still there, louder though. It wasn’t near the hole, as if whatever made the buzzing had moved away from the light or maybe from us.

Jonathan took a flashlight and shone it inside the wall to see what made the sound.

That’s when the wasp came out. It was just one tiny wasp with black and yellow strings. Jonathan smashed it right away and cursed about spring. He said that whatever broke the wall must have made a hole on the other side too and the wasp flew right through it.

We ordered food and ate with the TV on full volume to hear anything at all. The noise was hurting my ears. Small pieces of the wall kept falling.

I don’t know when it came out. We must have overheard it because of the TV, but when we shut it off Jonathan suddenly screamed. There was a rat skeleton on the floor.

The thing looked disgusting; the head and tail were still attached, but all the skin and flesh were gone. Even the skull was open and empty.

Jonathan threw it out. He said the hole must be big and that some bird must have thrown the dead rat inside. I’m not sure if he even believed that himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2013 ⏰

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