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At the dawn of ancient civilizations, females who underwent abortions without their husbands' consent were executed. During the 19th century, when leaders displayed hostility toward females who needed abortion, the practice was prohibited. Throughout history, women have been denied the right to an abortion. This was unfair for those in critical conditions. It lead to more deaths as victims searched for brutal attempts of ending their pregnancies. Isn't putting someone in a helpless position the wrong thing to do? Abortion should be legal and tolerated.

The medical process of abortion has been proven to be reasonable, as well as exceedingly harmless. There are two types of abortion that a woman can choose to go through: surgical and medical. While either method is acceptable, surgical abortion is the most common method women select. It is also known as suction curettage or vacuum curettage ("Asked"). To clarify, this type of abortion involves surgically removing contents of the uterus (Trupin). Doctors who are qualified to perform this can approach it with caution. On the other hand, medical abortion involves the use of medicine and pills. It can be done only within a few weeks of pregnancy. Mifepristone, Misoprostol, or the RU-486 pill can be utilized to terminate the pregnancy in time ("Asked"). Operations done by professionals are unscathed: "less than 1 out of 100 women have a serious problem from an abortion" (Trupin). If authorities ban abortion, girls could turn to dangerous, illegal ways to eradicate their pregnancies. "68,000 women worldwide die each year from unsafe abortions" (Dudley). Given these points, abortion is medically and physically safe.

The moral and ethical values religions implore can pressure women about receiving an abortion. Religions such as Catholicism and Sikhism forbid procedures of termination due to spiritual thoughts. One of the largest disputes between religion and pro-choicers are whether a fetus is a human being and if it deserves to live. A person's life "begins after fetus becomes 'viable'...fetus...not independent...being" (Foer). During conception, an embryo does not have a personal identity. At that time, it is a tiny group of cells, not a complete organism. Abortion is not murder. While fetuses and their conditions are big notions, there are other queries. Some religions surmise that females who opt for abortions will suffer emotional problems as a result of unscrupulous decisions. This is false since "the American Psychological Association concluded...no valid evidence...of psychological trauma or deep depression...after abortion" (Dudley). Most women are satisfied afterward. Although support may be needed from counselors, there are no concerning post-mental issues involved. Many religions have opposed abortion for centuries, yet a few people who are Catholic don't agree with the Church's views on this topic. 48% of Catholics think abortion should be legal, whereas 45% do not ("Religious"). Religion can negatively affect a woman's desires to obtain an abortion.

The reproductive and basic rights of women may enhance if government officials endorse abortion. For ages, federal courts and national leaders have disapproved abortion prerogatives. On March 3, 1970, the U.S. regime became involved in Norma McCorvey's astounding case. Norma was a Texas woman who wanted to cease her pregnancy. Since Texas considered abortion illegal at the time, Norma had no choice but to file lawsuits and charge against the State Supreme Court for years. Even though she gave birth subsequently, her actions ultimately made abortion licit and inspired abortion advocates. From the 1970 Roe v. Wade case to 2011, "53 million legal abortions were performed in the U.S." (Ashford-Grooms). Norma never knew that her situation would aid millions of women. Developed countries today such as Sweden, Japan, and France permit abortion ("Abortion"). Former U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton has cogent views on the enduring debate. She claims, "Being pro-choice is not being pro-abortion...being pro-choice is trusting the individual to make the right decision for herself and her family...not entrusting the decision to authority". By all means, legitimating abortion grants females privileges and free-will for what they want to do with their own bodies.

If citizens continue to reject abortion, more women as well as adolescent girls in our world will suffer. There are ways to help people realize that abortion does not harm anyone. For instance, we should encourage others to donate to abortion clinics. This lends tremendous support to researchers, doctors, and those in need. Validating abortion means that distress won't take a toll on struggling women. Moreover, it's about giving somebody a choice. Let's be open-minded and respect the choices of one another. ♥

Works Cited:

"Abortion." Gale Cengage. 2014. 29 Jan. 2015.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. "Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ043: Special Procedures: Induced Abortion." Oct. 2011. 22 Jan. 2015.

Ashford-Grooms, Meghan. "Rick Perry Says There Have Been 50 Million Abortions Since Roe." 1 Feb. 2011. 22 Jan. 2015.

Dudley, Susan. "Abortion Facts: Safety of Abortion." Dec. 2006. 27 Jan 2015.

Foer, Franklin. "Fetal Viability." 25 May 1997. 22 Jan. 2015.

"US Religious Landscape Survey: Religious Beliefs and Practices: Diverse and Politically Relevant". June 2008. 22 Jan. 2015.

Trupin, Suzanne. "Abortion." Healthwise Inc. 31 Aug. 2012. 25 Jan 2015.

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