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I am not excited for this, I want to eat my Pop Tart in peace. Thanks for the nomination Angel4Star .-.
Fact 1: Real Name: Samantha
Fact 2: Nicknames: Sam, Simone, Simon (don't ask)
Fact 3: Fav Colour: Lime Green
Fact 4: Male/Female: Female
Fact 5: Elementary (My dear. I had too) School: Uh, yes :P
Fact 6: Middle School: No. #Canadian BISHES
Fact 7: High School: No, in a year.
Fact 8: College: Naw
Fact 9: Hair Colour: Chestnut kinda blonde highlighted
Fact 10: Tall/Short: I'm pretty average, in the middle.
Fact 11: Shorts/Jeans: Um, jeans.
Fact 12: Phone/Camera: For taking pictures, CAMERA.
Fact 13: Health Freak: No.
Fact 14: Orange/Apples: APPLEEEEES.
Fact 15: Crush?: Maybe.
Fact 16: GuyFriends/GirlFriends: Mer, doesn't matter.
Fact 17: Piercings?: Ear. Don't wear them tho.
Fact 18: Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi. DON'T JUDGE ME. Also I finished my Pop Tart.
Fact 19: Ever been on a plane?: Yes. DISNAY
Fact 20: Relationship: No. I'm singal. XD
Fact 21: Car Accident: MINOR ONES
Fact 22: First Fight: With words at Elementary School.
Fact 23: BFF: Cannot disclose names but two don't have Wattpad, one does. xSapphireLynx
Fact 24: First Award: I have no f***ing clue.
Fact 25: Talents: Singing (kinda), drawing, being smart? XD jk.
Fact 26: Last Person Talked To: Mom.
Fact 27: Last Person Texted: Short Person Friend Not Disclosing Name.
Fact 28: Last Thing I Ate: Chocolate Pop Tart.
Fact 29: Last Thing I Watched: I'm watching VanossGaming while writing this, and I was watching Markiplier's before.
Fact 30: Last Music I Listened To: Say Something
Fact 31: Last Person I Hugged: My Mom
Fact 32: Fav Food: IDK PIZZA.
Fact 33: Fav Drink: Iced Tea.
Fact 34: Bottoms: Sweatpants
Fact 35: Flowers: IDK Lavender?
Fact 36: Colours: Rainbowwwww
Fact 37: Movies: Harry Potter, TMR, The Shining
Fact 39: Have You Ever Fallen In <3: No. With my cat.
Fact 40: Celebrated Halloween: Yeah :P
Fact 41: Been Heartbroken: ...NEWT, CHUCK D: *cri*
Fact 42: Went Through Texts On A Phone: No.
Fact 43: Had Someone Like You: No. Nobody's liked meh.
Fact 44: Hated Someone Who Changed: Meh, no.
Fact 45: Got Pregnant: NO. IM ONLY 13.
Fact 46: Abortion: UM. NO. AGAIN, 13.
Fact 47: Did Something You Regret: Yes.
Fact 48: Broken A Promise: Yes.
Fact 49: Hidden A Secret: YES.
Fact 50: Pretended To Be Happy: Yup.
Fact 51: met Someone Who Changed Your Life: Family. Cats.
Fact 52: Pretended To Be Sick: Yeah.
Fact 53: Left The Country: Ya.
Fact 54: Doing Something You Normally Wouldn't and LIKED IT: Yeah.
Fact 55: Cried Over The Silliest Thing: FACK YES.
Fact 56: Ran A Mile: No, I'm to lazy.
Fact 57: Went To The Beach W/ A Friend: No, I hate the beach.
Fact 58: Gotten In An Argument With A Friend: Yes.
Fact 59: Stayed Single: Yeah, for my whole life.
Fact 60: Currently Eating: Earth's Air.
Fact 61: Drinking: Air.
Fact 62: Listening To: VanossGaming Prop Hunt Video.
Fact 63: Sitting/Laying: On mah couch.
Fact 64: Plans For The Day: YouTube, Drawing, ROBLOX, Reading.
Fact 65: Waiting For: THIS TO BE OVER.
Fact 66: Want Kids: OH HELL TO THE NO.
Fact 67: Get Married: MAYBE.
Fact 68: Travel: Maybah
Fact 69: In A Partner:
Lips/Eyes: Eyes
Fact 70: Short/Tall: Meh
Fact 71: Young/Older: MeH
Fact 72: Romantic/Spontaneous: Spontaneous
Fact 73: Troublemaker/Hesitant: Hesitant
Fact 74: Hookup/Relationship: WTF. RELATIONSHIP. I HATE HOOKUPS.
Fact 75: Looks/Personality: PERSONALITY.
Fact 76: Have You Ever Killed Somebody: Virtually and Cereal.
Fact 77: Been In Love: NO.
Fact 78: Broken A Bone: Wrist.
Fact 79: Cried When Somebody Died: Yes D:
Fact 80: Believe In Yourself: Yes. Sometimes.
Fact 81: Miracles: Meh, depends.
Fact 82: Heaven: No.
Fact 83: Santa Claus: No. Until I learned the truth.
Fact 84: Aliens: Sure, there have been signs in space.
Fact 85: God: NO.
Fact 86: Have You Ever Hated Somebody: Yeah.
Fact 87: Is There AnyoneYou Wish You Were There With: My Cat
Fact 88: Do You Know Who Your REAL Friends Are: Yup.
Fact 89: Going to tag 20 people?: No, I'm not as evil as *cough* Angel4Star *gives death glare then coughs*
Fact 90: Did You Answer ALL Questions Truthfully?: Yep.
Fact 91: Did You Enjoy This: HELL NO.
K. So.
I nominate:
Have fun! And Mention who gave you the challenge at the start.
This took me an hour. Have fun.

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