The Melody Within

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** Ok im starting this story in Leons point of view. Usualy people start it in the girls and make the player look like complete jerk and you dont find out untill later in the story that they arent as bad. Well im not doing that. Not saying that Leon isnt a jerk but I just wanted to start the story a little diffrently! First time attempting to write a story so let me know what you think!

Chapter 1

Leons POV***

Sleep. The best feeling ever is a deep sleep. Especially when your having an amazing dream about a certain hot chick who got just a little bit too drunk and dragged you into a empty room. Just as we were about to really get into it the girl stops and starts calling my name in a really annoying, yet familiar, little girl voice.


"ugh! Cici you always gotta ruin the best part!" I huffed.

My little five year sister Ciana looked and me with confused eyes. "But Le Le im soooo hungry I could die! And Annies being a meanie to me and wont wake up to make me food!" She exclaims.

Of course. Leave it up to Annie to be a complete bitch to poor Ciana. I dont think I will ever figure out what her problem is.

Groaning and rolling out of bed I scooped Cici up, much to her delight, and headed to the kitchen. "Alright what do you want kiddo" I asked.

" Trixxxxxx Le le! Soo yummy!"

Rolling my eyes I pulled out two bowls and poured us milk and cereal. Ciana grabbed the cereal box pretending to read while actually just looking at the pictures.

"Le le how come the rabbit aint allowed any cereal? Those kids are so mean and always hog it all. Their mommies must of not taught them to share." She asked.

Sometimes I wondered how such a little kid could be so smart. " First of all don't say ain't, and second of all its just a commercial kid don't feel too bad about it" I explained.

"Ain't ain't a word and I ain't gonna say it!" was her only reply.

After breakfast I headed upstair to take a shower and get dressed for school. Looking in the mirror I studied my outfit of choice. Dark blue jeans with a gray v neck Hollister shirt. Im not conceded or anything but I knew I was hot. I mean I had the dark brown-almost black hair, hazel/green eyes, a natural tan, strong jaw line, and a smile that made gurls melt, plus having a body like I did didnt hurt. Ok, maybe I was a little conceded.....or alot, but when your Leon Mathews you gotta reason to act that way.

I headed to Annies room to wake her up but then stopped short. She's been being real mean to Cici lately and its time I taught her a little lesson. So instead of waking her up I slowly closed her door and took a chair from the study to use it to keep the door from opening. I then went into her bathroom and took all her makeup, which was alot, and hid it in my closet, before I went into the basement and shut off the hot water.

Smirking I went to retrieve Ciana and dropped her off at the elementary school before heading to the good old senior high school. Naturally I parked as far away from people as I could. I mean I had a 2011 Ferrari 599 GTO and there was no way in hell I was letting anyone touch my baby. She was the only girl I could stand, never talked back, when I said go she went, as you can see im so in love with this car. It was a present from daddy dearest for never being around. Ciana got a dollhouse custom built that took up an entire room and Annie got a large amount of money that she was allowed to spend on watever teenage girls buy. Like I was saying I parked away from other cars so my girl wasnt in danger. I would bever willingly bring this car to school but a little mishap last weekend, that we will not discuss, landed my 2009 Cadillac CTS in the shop.

As soon as I stepped out of my car I heard the voice of the last person I wanted to see.

" Leon!! Baby I missed you so much! Why haven't you answered my calls?!" Laura, the schools biggest slut, squeeked out. Man she was so damn annoying, screw a girl once and they become straight stalkers.

"Did you ever think that I was avoiding your ass, if I wanna call you i'll call, which I don't, so run along and find someone else to annoy the hell out off!" I said, walking away. I could hear her squaking about something or other but I just ignored it.

Nasty bitch.

I headed straight for the outside bleaches were I know my friends would be, high fiving the guys and winking at the cute girls I saw along the way.

" Yoooo, Mr. Mathews is in tha building!! Top pimp daddy and my personal role model! Whats up dude!" Lucas, my insane best friend, yelled loud enough for everyone to hear.

" Luc, we are outside, and dont call me pimp daddy, I prefer ladies man." I joked.

For the remainder of time that we had before school started I chilled with my 5 best friends Jase, Aiden, Josh, Lucas, and Sean, discussing our latest and next conquest.

When the bell finally rang we all headed to class. Its only been three weeks since school started and I was already over it. I mean half the stuff you learn is never used in real life anyways. And what the hell is the point of being a junior, its such a tease knowing that you still had another year of this hell hole called highschool. I guess I couldnt complain, I was one of the most popular kids here. Damned near ruled the school. O well I guess it could be worse.

Walking into my first class, which was history, I noticed a hot chick named Beth...or Britney...something like that. The girl was hott so I gave my signture wink and smirk. She just giggled like all girls usually do. I was gonna say some corny pick up line that girls like her fall for but Mr. Jefferson walked.

"Alright class in your seats! settle down everyone! Today we are going to be discusing WWII. What can anyone tell me......"

I would be a liar if I said I EVER payed attention in this class, history was boooooring! So I sat there staring out into space until I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned my head and saw the random nerdy kid trying to hand me a note. I opened the note and it read : "My parents are gonna be gone for the weekend. You should give me a call ;) Briana."

I looked back and saw the same girl I smirked at looking at me with a suggestive look on her face.

Man girls are too easy.

I didnt bother writing her back, i would just call wenever I felt like it.

The bell rang signaling the end of first period so I headed to my locker. As I was walking my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to see who it was and then completely crashed into somebody. I looked down frowning and saw some weird gothic kid. " Watch were your going freak!" I said agitated. The kid just looked at me scowling. He opened his mouth to say sonething but a voice behind me sneered " Well maybe if YOU were actual watching were you were going there wouldnt be a problem!"

I turned around ready to put whoever had the audacity to talk to me like that in there place when I saw a girl ive never seen around here before. And she was SEXY! I instantly turned on my player ways and said "Well with someone as fine as yourself gracing our hallways its hard to focus on anything else."

I thought she would giggle and smile but boy was I wrong! She gave me the dirtiest look and said "Ew, as if!" And after helping the goth pick up his books, stomped away.

I stood there stunned. No girl ever spoke to me like that! "She must be a lesbian I thought to mysef, and headed to my second period.

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