You dont own me Mutt

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I'm not going to do the "all about me" in this chapter and so sorry for the wait i was at my moms and i didnt have a laptop so my mom got my old laptop working.

-The next day-

I woke up with a major hangover, sitting up and looking around, noticing that 'my' bed  is so comfy and.... Wait this isn't my bed, this isn't my room, this isn't even my house!.

"Good morning sunshine" Tyler says a little bit to loud just to make my head hurt, asshole "Shut the fuck up, isn't your 'wife' gonna come home and see me!?" I suddenly start to panic. "Don't worry baby girl, she's with her family right now" He smiles and walks over to me.

My heart flutters when he calls me baby girl, I blush looking down. He uses his pointer finger and thumb lifting my head up by my chin, kissing me deeply, the pain from my hangover long gone, I kiss him back, almost forgetting that he is almost married.

I let out a small moan when he bites my lip, I suddenly push him away. "What the fuck! Your married!" I growl and whimper. "I'm not married.... Yet" Tyler whispers the last part, trying to kiss me again, I growl pushing him off me and shifting right there hoping he gets the hint that I'm so close to ripping his pretty face off his body.

He puts his hands up in surrender. Backing up and opening the bedroom door, obviously wanting to keep his face. I don't wait for him to open the front door as I burst through the door. Hearing Tyler's curses. I laugh in my head.

-53 minutes later-

I look around still in my wolf form, laying down by a cliff. I start to think about the breathtaking kiss I had with Tyler. My wolf whimpers and starts to think about how he is getting married in a few weeks.

'Why can't he call it off!? We are his mate and... And well.... I love him' my wolf says quietly

'YOU LOVE HIM HOW!?, and yes I know.... He's going to have a baby soon. Since he's a wolf and mated with a human the baby comes twice as fast. About 4 months.' I shift back, grabbing a shirt I have stored in the woods as I wipe away my tears.


I walk aimlessly around the woods in human form, having know idea where I am. Maybe If I'm lucky I'll find my way to my cabin.

It's been a few hours since I've been in the woods. I love the silence, it's calming. 

Maybe i can just run away again. Live in the woods, no one will bother me as long as i dont go on someones elses land. I sigh as i think about my life, Ive always wanted a mate, one that will love me no matter what. But then my brother and father started abusing me and i didnt trust anyone.. mostly i didnt trust men. 

I sit down on the ground thinking about how easy it would be to just kill April, but then i think about her baby. I wouldnt be any less evil then my brother if i killed her and her baby. 

'Maybe we should go to the bar, let someone treat us. We deserve a night out.'

I smirk at the thought. My wolf always makes good decisions, 'Good decisions'. 

-Tylers point of view, the time Lily is at the night club-

I had to buy a new door, hopefully the landlord wont ask questions. I get ready for a night out with my best buddy, Alaric (ONLY TVD FANS WILL GET THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS)!!))

After i get my outfit ready, Just black jeans and a black v-neck with a leather jacket, Normal clothing for me. Trying not to cheat on April is hard, believe it or not im glad im not with Lily, I would've probably cheated on Lily anyway. What can i say? I was a player all through High school, I still am.

-At The club, Alaric is the bartender-

"Hey man, hit me up with your strongest" I smirk at Alaric as he's laughing. "What? No please?" Alaric jokes around with me. "Pretty please with a cherry on top?" I batt my eyelashes, laughing about it afterwards.

SHORT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 Votes for next chapter. its gonna be a long chapter!!!!!!!!! Love you guys HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT!!!!!!!!

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