Missing you (Based on the feels filled episode 22 of season 2)

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"Do you miss me?" Carmilla asked.

Every wall the vampire had ever built was stripped down at that exact moment. It had been crumbling since this conversation had started. She looked into Laura's eyes and all she could see was the girl that she had once been in love with. No, that she WAS in love with. Laura sighs, it's feint but seen, and then meets Carmilla's eyes, "Like someone cut a hole in me." Carmilla nods. That's all she can do, right. No it's not she can do more then that she could- "Goodnight Carm." Laura says. This didn't sound like a 'Goodnight I'll see you in the morning' goodnight. It was almost a goodbye. A goodbye that Carmilla couldn't take and most certainly didn't want to. But what is a broody 4 century year old vampire to do when the person you love has given up on themselves, and you. "Goodnight." 

Laura hesitates at first but then gets up and walks off but Carm stops her, "Under her shirt, Mattie wears a locket. Inside of it is a piece of her heart. That's what makes her impossible to kill. If she ever tries- If she ever tries to kill you again, take the locket and crush what's inside." Carmilla looks to the floor, knowing that she just betrayed her sister. But that's what you do when you're in love and want to keep the person you care for most, safe.

"Why do you say that as though you're going to leave?" Laura asked slightly moving closer to her.

"It's not safe here. Nothing's quite safe anymore." Carmilla slaps her hands against her thighs and stands.

"Carm, you can't leave." Laura looked as if she was about to cry, again.

"I told you before cupcake that I'm not the hero of this piece." Both girls are moving closer to one another.

"You can't leave. I need you. It may not seem like it but I do. I need your vampiric, sarcastic broody self. I need the Carm that I once was- No am in love with. I need her here for me." Laura started sobbing and she sat on the nearest thing. Carmilla stayed put not knowing or how to say anything.

"Laura if I stay here it's only a matter of time before Vordenberg or one of his lackeys shows up when Mattie or I are in the open. I can't put you in danger like that. If something happened to you I couldn't live with myself." Carmilla has finally reached the younger girl and she crouches down beside her.

"What about me?"


"How do you think I feel when you go off hunting and possibly out there getting hurt? I mean it was just a few hours ago that you showed up with an arrow in your chest. I couldn't stand myself if you went out and got hurt again, over me."

"Cutie this wasn't over you. I got hurt but you're not the one who shot me."

"I may as well been. I'm the one that wanted Mattie out of the board and set up the debate between her and Vordenberg. If I had known about his vendetta against vampires then none of this would've happened. You'd still be sort of fine. We wouldn't be up late talking things out and-" Laura finished and wiped her eye's off. Carmilla wrapped her into a tight embrace because she knew all too well what the other girl wanted to say. And Carmilla knew that is was most likely true, that if Vordenberg was never involved they might still be together. "How can you still love me after all that I've done and ever do? I'm useless and hopeless. Everyone thinks so." Laura's voice is partially muffled but with Carmilla's amazing hearing she heard her.

"I would ask you the same thing. You still loved me when you knew that I was a monster. You even still do after all that I've done."

"But Carm you're strong and I don't think I can stand this much longer." Carmilla takes Laura's face into her hands and says, "Cupcake, who cares what people think? You have me, and Perry, and LaF, and JP. Who else do you need? Plus you have Xena squad head over heels for you." Carmilla looks deeply into Laura's eyes and accidentally kisses her. "I'm uh I'm sorry." Laura says nothing instead she takes grabs onto Carmilla's face and kisses her back. "I've missed you so much Carm." Laura hugs her and Carmilla hugs back, maybe even a little bit tighter.

"I've missed you too cupcake. I've missed you too."

Carmilla awakes with a start and tries to take in all of her surroundings. She's underneath the floorboards, not upstairs with Laura. Most of what Carmilla dreamt didn't even happen. Except for the missing you part and the betraying her sister. That happened. Carmilla looked more and found Mattie fast asleep on a cot made out of old newspapers and some towels that LaFontaine had found. Carmilla still had that silly yellow pillow and strangely it still smelt faintly like Laura. She kept it to remind her of what once was, as a reminder of the one person who made her feel whole in every which way.

Carmilla hugs the pillow tightly to her chest and breaths in, trying not to cry. Vampires aren't supposed to cry. Before going back to sleep, Carmilla looks up at the ceiling and says, "I wish you knew how much I missed you Laura." Finally Carmilla lays back down to sleep but this time she's clutching the pillow to her chest trying her best not to cry.

She laid there for  what felt like hours, just tightly hugging the pillow to her chest. Through the cracks in the floor Carmilla could see the moon shining. It gave her some comfort, not a lot but some. She laid and listened to her surroundings. That's when she heard it. The faint creaking of the floorboards. She knew right away that it was Laura. Something instinctively told her that it was.

 Something blocked out a few of the cracks and Carmilla thought that it was a pillow. "She's going to sleep right there." Carmilla thought to herself. 

After a few minutes Laura had indeed went to sleep. She was laying down on the floor, and Carmilla could hear her breathing begin to still. She could even hear the tiny human's heartbeat.

As time went by Carmilla listened to Laura. It seemed as though she was shivering so Carmilla did something she didn't think she would ever do. She crawled up from under the floorboards and quietly snuck around so that she wouldn't wake up the sleeping girl. She grabbed a blanket and quickly put it over Laura. 

Laura stirred a little as Carmilla placed the blanket over her. Laura sighed once she felt the warmness of the blanket this made Carmilla smile. She was then going to go back underneath the floorboards but her brain wouldn't let her. Instead Carmilla laid down beside Laura and got under the blanket with her. She wrapped her arms around the smaller girl and Laura held her arms in place. Carmilla was comfortable and didn't want to move. She loved this girl and would do anything in her power to protect her. So that's what she did, protect her.

As morning came along Carmilla woke up. Her and Laura were in the same position they were in when Carm fell asleep. She knew that she would have to get up now so that she wouldn't be found out. So Carmilla easily got up and retreated back underneath the floorboards with Mattie. She laid her head on the yellow pillow and was able to sleep.

Laura woke up. She was on the floor, which she did recall doing, but there was a blanket over her and part of it kind of smelled like Carm. "Stop it Laura. You need to move past her." She thought to herself, but no amount of thinking would let her hide her true feelings. She loved Carmilla and missed her with every fiber of her being.

Sorry  but this is based on the feels filled episode 22 of season 2. As you can see by the title. Sorry if this made you cry or if the episode did. Byeee c:

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