Chapter 6- Photographs

Beginne am Anfang

I look through it and there are pictures of me and Drew when we where younger. That's the thing that I love about pictures though, they remind me that once everything was perfect. They remind me that I was once happy. I find one picture from my 13th birthday before we left. "Omg I remember this".

"Dad, aunt Mary where are we?" They have a blindfold on me so I can't see anything.

"It's a surprise sweetheart" my dad says. "Yes Claire it's only a little further don't worry" I hear aunt Mary say.

"Fine" I say because I am mad, wouldn't you be too if you were woken up from a deep sleep and had a blindfold put on you?

"Okay we are here!" My dad and aunt Mary say. I take off the blindfold and I see Kayla and Drew standing in our spot in the old playground with a banner hanging from the tree. The banner says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAIRE BEAR!".

"Surprise!" They both yell. "OMG guys this is so sweet, thank you!" I say hugging them and then hug aunt Mary and my dad.

"Come on Claire, open your presents" Andrew says. 

"Okay drew I will open your first, will that satisfy you?" I chuckle looking into he's bluish green eyes.

"Yes very much" he says and we both laugh. I open it and inside there is a big box, I open the box and see a signed Tony Hawk skateboard
"OMG OMG OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, THANK YOU!" I say running up to him and hugging him.

"Your welcome, it's the least I can do since you got me all time low concert tickets for my birthday" he says.

"Okay you two get together, I want a picture!" Aunt Mary says.

I go to move closer to him and he kisses me smack on the lips.
And that is how I had my first kiss.
******end of flashback******

"K, come here" I call Kayla. "What's up Claire Bear?" She asks smiling.

"I found an old photo album! Remember this?" I ask

"Omg yes that's when you and Drew had your first kisses". She says " I remember after that you were so happy because you liked him since second grade. But you didn't tell him about the move yet so you spent the night crying.

In case you weren't sure: the whole reason I had to move was because my dad got a better job in California that required us to move ASAP. I wanted to stay here but he wouldn't let me and after the whole ex boyfriend thing he let me move back here but he had to stay in Cali.

"So let's talk about this date you have with Mr. Hottie" she says and I laugh.

"His name is Jake and I have seen him around school a lot". I say
And we went on and on about this topic for hours.

Monday came around and I was happy that my coffee date with Jake is today. I think Drew noticed though because he didn't look happy, and unfortunately Kayla is not in this class with me.

He follows me to my locker and almost closes it on my fingers. "What's got you so happy?" He asks and I can clearly tell that he's been drinking by the smell of his breath.

"That is none of your business" I say.
"Anything that involves you, my best friend is most certainly my business". He says sounding  like a smart ass.

"No Drew, you lost being able to keep tabs on me when you gave me these" I say pointing to the bruises on my wrists.

"Tell me what's got you so happy and then I will leave you alone for the rest of the week" he says and I am pretty sure he's lying, but it's better he finds out from me then anybody else.

"Fine, I have a date after school". I look at his expression and he looks mad.

Andrew's P.O.V

She's got a date?! Not on my watch. I will not let that happen.

"Where is this "date" I ask.

"Now Drew you promised that you would leave me alone, plus it's none of your business anyway because we are not friends so.. Yeah bye" she says and skips away like everything's all dandy and I am just standing here shocked.

I though we were friends but I guess not. I feel really bad for how I treated her but she can't know that I am doing it for her own good.
If only she knew...
So guys, what do you think? What's up with Claire's dream? What is Andrew hiding? Who is this new Jake?
I will try to update soon

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