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Oc I made on a whim today and drew just now. I like how she turned out... Anyways, Loria was made for a humanized FNAF roleplay if I am correct. She is to be a music teacher.

Likes- simplicity- nothing fancy- small gifts of appreciation stuff like that. She also likes singing because her animatronic form would be a canary. Canaries love/are good at singing/humming whatever.

Dislikes- LOUDNESS LIKE THIS CAN YOU EVEN HEAR MEEE. Students who don't do their work.

She is bisexual- crushing on no one (you'd have to work hard if you want her to like you) relationship status- none.

25-26 Years old I think

Personality- she is a very straight to the point sort of person who doesn't beat around the bush, and therefore is strict/stern with her students. Though she also loves to joke around sometimes and get to know her students and colleagues.

Ok I think thats it.. I'll probably post previous artwork that I've done before today... Uh.. Have a nice day? I'm not good with people. q_q

Update: I probably should add the marks that signify she is a toy version... But my desk is all the way over there.. And i'm in this comfortable bed...... *snoring can be heard*

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