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"Do I really have to go?" I moan as Ashley tries to drag me off the bus.

"Aw, come on. There'll be rainbows!" He says, his eyes wide with enthusiasm.

"Hmmm, doesn't really sound like my kind of thing... But whatever! It's an experience, right?"

"Exactly!" He stands back on his heels, letting go of my hand, and I nearly overbalance.

As the gay pride parade isn't too far away, we're able to walk down.

"Hey, Ash..."

"Mmm?" He looks at me inquisitively.

"Could you, uh..." There's really no non-awkward way to say this. "Could you pretend to be my boyfriend?"

"Erm, why?" His tone of voice sounds taken aback.

"Well, I don't want any gay guys hitting on me." I have to raise my voice over the growing crowd.

"Really? Sure, if that's what you want." He laces his fingers with mine; our palms touch and it feels almost real. It sends sparks through me. That can't be right: I'm straight. Or so I thought...

We wander through the crowd, trying to get a good place.

Eventually, we spot the parade - or rather, we hear it. Some cheesy pop music blasts through speakers, and soon enough we see where it comes from.

A wave of colour makes its way through the street, and in all the excitement I seem to have lost Ashley.

Smelling a manly musk, I see a stranger come closer to me from the side, but I don't pay much attention to him.

Until he kisses me full on the lips.

I frown and draw my head back.

"Uh... I'm not-" But then I see who it is. Those chocolate brown eyes, and sugar pink lips: it can only be Ash!

His gaze flickers to each of my eyes, and occasionally down to my lips. Panting slightly, he catches his breath. I can sense the anticipation that's going through his mind.

Putting my hand under his chin, I draw it towards me. Our lips meet again in a sweet symphony that I feel throughout my body, and I feel a warmth in my stomach that's so familiar. A feeling that I've never felt truly till now:


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