"Pretty good catch, huh?" he said to Krait.

"Eh, I could do better," Krait jokingly replied.

Tigerstripe quickly gobbled up his breakfast and was on his way again, praying to StarClan that they'd get just a clue or small sign that Jetfur was nearby. Krait, as always, trotted by his side, remaining as vigilant as Tigerstripe.

They traveled for awhile with, as always, no luck. During this time Tigerstripe and Krait barely spoke to each other, having already discussed many topics during their travel. Besides, Tigerstripe was becoming increasingly more irritated with each passing day, and he supposed Krait had picked up on this by the way she remained quiet.

"Do you think we're heading in the wrong direction?" Tigerstripe asked.

Krait shrugged. "How would I know?"

"Well, you were in that forest with Jetfur's mother. Did you ever run into Jetfur?" he asked.

"I'm a rogue, Tigerstripe. I thought we went over this. I walk all day, sleep at night, then repeat. I had just come into the forest that day. I had no idea your kitty friend was there," she explained.

Tigerstripe let out a groan. No one could ever help him find out anything about Jetfur.

"Don't be so hard about it. We've got to run into something eventually, right?"

"It's been nearly a moon, and I feel even farther away from Snakepelt and Jetfur. It's like we've gone in the completely opposite direction!" he exclaimed, exasperated.

"Well, I can't help you," Krait told him. She obviously noticed he was irritated, and normally, she'd become quiet at this point, but it seemed she wanted to set Tigerstripe straight today.

"Then why are you here?" Tigerstripe sneered.

Krait narrowed her eyes.

"Listen up here, Mr. Bossypants. I offered to help you because I saw you needed help and thought 'Hey, it might be fun traveling with someone for once.' I have worked my tail off trying to help you this past moon, and I've barely received any thanks. A little gratitude would be nice, don't you think?" Krait shot back.

Tigerstripe shrunk down, feeling guilty again. He knew it wasn't right to take everything out on Krait, but he'd become so frustrated. He'd lost Jetfur, Snakepelt, Rain, and he couldn't afford to lose Krait too. He realized she was the only one really keeping him sane for this entire journey. If he had traveled by himself, he'd probably be lying in a ditch contemplating life around now.

"No, you're right," Tigerstripe replied. "I'm sorry. You have been of a lot of help, and I haven't been very kind about it at all. Thank you for coming. I really do appreciate it. I know lots of times I act like I don't need anyone, but I really do need someone by me at all times. You've really helped calm me down and lighten my mood, so I'm sorry. I've just become really irritated."

"You think I don't know that?" she asked. "I know you're furious, and I would be too. How long has your friend been missing now?"

"Moons," Tigerstripe murmured.

"Yeah, I would definitely have gone insane by now and given up. But I like your persistence, Tigerstripe. You haven't given up yet despite all the obstacles you've faced. And I know that when you find Jetfur, she'll be mighty glad to hear all these things you've done to find her," Krait told him. "Now let's keep on going."

Tigerstripe smiled weakly, glad for Krait's motivational speech. He felt more compelled and inspired now, and he walked quicker with a taller stride, knowing that Jetfur could not remain lost forever. He had to run into her eventually. When that would be, he had no idea, but he was going to keep on trying regardless of the consequences.

They continued on their way for the rest of the day, and though they didn't seem to find anything to help them, Tigerstripe felt more confident and more determined in his search. He was glad Krait had spoken with him and hoped that he wouldn't become too irritated in the future.

Soon enough, the sky had begun to turn darker, and another day was about to end. Tigerstripe's limbs were already sore, and he eagerly looked around for a place to sleep. Krait appeared to be tired too, though Tigerstripe knew she'd never admit it.

After several minutes of glancing around, he eventually found a spot where a large clump of trees provided shelter. Grabbing some moss for him and Krait, the two formed the moss into nests and slept underneath the trees.

Tigerstripe let out a large yawn, exhausted from yet another long day of traveling. He stretched out his limbs and then curled up. He glanced across from him, seeing that Krait was already dead asleep.

And she claimed she never gets tired, he thought to himself. 

This made him laugh slightly, and slowly, he lowered his head to the forest floor and closed his eyes, beginning to drift off to sleep.

Krait's speech still rang through his ears as he drifted off, and he felt excited for the following day, hoping that they'd run into something.

Please, StarClan, please bring some cat our way, he thought.

Then, his thoughts began to fade, and he disappeared into deep sleep, his anxious thoughts and excitement fading into nothing but darkness and comfort.

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