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We finished the movie and went back home- wait... What? What am I thinking? It's not my home! It's only my dorm... McKinley is my home! Blaine and I walked into our dorm and we both changed into our jammies!

"I'm kinda tired so I'm going to go to bed..." I said laying down.

"Good night Kurt" he said and I could see him smiling.

"Good night Blaine!" I said smiling back. I fell asleep I woke up to my phone ringing and looked at the caller ID... Blocked Number... Who would call me at 4 in the morning? I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked sleepily.

"Hey Kurt!" My heart sank... It's Connor... "Do you know who it is fag?" He asked.

"Yes I know who it is asshole! It makes no sense to call me a fag because your one too so!" FUCK! Why does he have to fuck with my life even more than he already has!?

"So David and I have become great friends! He's told me that you have a new fuck boy!" He said laughing that laugh that I hate so much. "So! If you want me to leave you alone then sucks to be you!"

"Stay the fuck away from me!" I yelled. Oh shit Blaine's sleeping...

"I'll leave you alone if you fuck me one last time, I always loved being inside of you. If not... Then there's no telling what I might do!"

"Just stay away from me Connor! You had your chance with me! And like the pornstar you are, you blew it!" I said and hung up. I started to cry. I got up from my bed and grabbed the small glass box from one of my drawers. It was under all of my clothes so no one would find it. I went in the bathroom and slid down the wall crying. (AN: omg! Kurt crying and sliding down the wall of the bathroom on the show broke my heart!) I opened the box and looked down at the lighter and the razors... I looked at my right arm... All of these scars are from one person... It couldn't hurt to add a few more... No one loves me anyway... My dad maybe... But he won't miss me... My friends wouldn't care... I picked up one of the razors. I slid the sharp edge across my wrist. I cried in pain, cutting hurts a lot more than burning myself. I watched the blood run down my arm and dripping on the floor. It kind of clams me... I was still crying and I'm kinda a loud cryer... Witch I need to work on because Blaine's just on the other side of the door and I don't want to wake him. I heard the door knob wiggle and then someone spoke...

"Kurt? Kurt! Kurt what's wrong!?" Blane asked trying to get in the bathroom.

"Blaine just go back to sleep" I said with no emotion. I didn't hear anything and then the door opened with Blaine holding scissors in his hands. He looked down at me and dropped the scissors and looked at me, he looked so hurt and so sad that it broke my heart.

"Ku-kurt... I-I-why?" He asked crying and looking at the blood that was still pouring from my wrist. "Kurt! Kurt it shouldn't be bleeding like that... Kurt we have to go to the hospital!" He said and everything went black.

AN: my heart just broke btw! And it's now Blaine's POV

Kurt passed out and I started to run to Neffs room. I started screaming and hitting the door. A sleepy Nick answered the door. I was crying and screaming.

"Blaine? Blaine clam down!" He said and Jeff came to the door too.

"KURT!!!!! PLEASE! HE'S GOING TO DIE!" I yelled and we all ran back to my room. I picked up Kurt and Nick and Jeff helped me get him to the hospital. We got there and Kurt was admitted. I went up to the receptionist who was doing something on her computer. "Umm... Is there any way you have Burt Hummels phone number... The boy who was just admitted is his son" I said and she smiled sadly and nodded. She typed Burt's name into the computer.

"Here it is" she said and dialed the number. She waited and on the 4th ring he answered. I could hear him talk.

"What happened? What's wrong?" He asked without saying hi or asking who it was. The girl didn't even speak.

"Burt... It's Kurt..." She said. I guess she knows him...

"No! NO! FUCK! Please tell me he didn't try to kill himself again..?" Burt sounded like he was crying.

"Burt... I don't know... Some kid took him in... I don't know what happened but I think he does..." The girl said looking at me.

"I want to talk to him then!" Burt said. She handed the phone to me and I shakily took it.

"Umm... Hello..." I said wiping away the tears that never seem to leave my face.

"Hello? What happened to Kurt!?" Burt said.

"I don't know... I was asleep and I woke up to him crying in the bathroom... He wouldn't let me in... I found some scissors and opened the door... He-there-I... There-e was so much blood... His wrist... He passed out..." I said now bawling. Burt hung up the phone without another word and I gave the phone back to the lady and went and sat down. Nick and Jeff were trying to get me to clam down. I get panic attacks sometimes... I was shaking and crying and I couldn't breathe. Just then Burt opened the doors... I was still in the floor crying. He looked at me and looked so confused. He walked over to the girl and she told him that I would have to wait where I was for him to get outta surgery. I couldn't stop shaking...

"I swear to god! If I had just been up... Or if I got him to watch the movie I wanted to watch..." I sobbed. Burt walked up to me. Nick and Jeff looked at him like 'Who the hell?'.

"Umm... Blaine is it?" He asked and I nodded.

"Y-yea-yeah..." I managed to say. "I'm sorry..." I said standing up. Neff got up.

"We're going to go get some coffee..." Jeff said and they left.

"It's not your fault... He's tried 3 times now..." Burt said. Both of us sitting down. I wiped my tears away. But only more came.

"He's going to be okay thou... They didn't tell me that but... I survived... Kurt's stronger then I am thou... I know he'll be okay" I said smiling sadly. Burt looked at me and he looked very concerned. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to say that..." I said looking down.

"Can you promise me one thing?" Burt asked.

"Anything" I said looking at him.

"Take care of him at that school for me?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'd do anything for Kurt..." I said. I'd do anything for him because I think I might love him...

AN: lol it's my vacation and I'm still writing... Ugh I just can't stop myself! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! I got to go to bed its almost 2am so yeah... Love you! ❤️

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