10.Prezent meets past

Start from the beginning

-I'm fine.

Jez: You we're talking in your...sleep?

-I have... nightmares, or something.

Luke: Kath... since when do you sleep?

-Luke it's no big deal, it was a nap so time passes, it's annoying to just wait for ev...

Luke: For everything to explode in your face? Since when are you so... stiff?

     Luke is... observing differences from before to today...

-Shut up and play nice!

     We did land, as we got down and went towards my car, I saw 2 cars, Tessa's and Tasha's. They were waiting, as soon as they saw me they got out of their cars, Tasha seemed scared, but why?And why aren't the guys here?

-Why is it you?

Tessa: What are they?

-Tess... what do you mean?

Natasha: They don't smell like us...

-Oh, you mean... they're humans. With powers but humans.

     They we're worried about a fight, we talked from a distance and then they got closer to us.

Tessa: Gabriel is a dick, Bryan is upset, Vlad is furious and we are waiting for explanations but not here. Let's go to a bar... Maybe Drunken Rat, we can lock in from the inside.

-Okay, Tessa is the bossy one, the other is Natasha. And girls these are Jez, Matt, Aimee, Pierre, Renee, Beatrice, Luke and Meph. Get in the cars, Jez and Matt come with me, oh, and Luke.

     Well, this is awkward, I thought to myself as everybody sat down at a large table.

Tessa: So... you aren't vampires and you aren't humans... what are you?

     I surprisingly heard Tessa asking the group.

-Well answer the woman!

     I say trying to engage them into conversation.

Luke: Well we aren't vampires but we sure are as strong as them, except that we don't need the blood, that's gross... so our strength, vampire's weakness.

     Luke answers with a huge grin on his stupid face, and winks at her, why in the name of small devils would he wink? Stupid much? Way to go, of course, annoy her, then I have to stand her overblowing fury. Tessa suddenly smiles, infuriated I'm sure, but smiles and answers.

Tessa: Well I think we could make a test for that power of yours, just to see how good you really are... or not.

Luke: So don't you wanna have the test now?

     And I see the moron jumping to his feet .

Tessa: Of course, no problem!

    Tessa almost yells at him. That's it, I don't want her kicking and screaming, and I put my hand on Luke's shoulder and pull him almost through his chair, everyone else was gasping with surprise, they don't know the actually violent impatient me, well except Tessa and Natasha, the only reaction was that Tessa smirked and sat back down. He makde a frown, he didn't expect that, I'm sure Tessa was sure she could beat him and I won't say a thing... Normally I would let them do their thing but I need everybody in full strength. Now the tension is higher then usual... Everybody is staring. Shit...

-Stop that. I need everybody to work together! How in fuck's name am I supposed to plan against powerful vampires when you are acting childish.

Aimee: This isn't happening...

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