Introducing myself Chapter 2

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Summer Love
chapter 2

I shut the door to Kelly and Macs house and all of a sudden I could here Stella crying.
I knew I couldn't just let her cry so I went back upstairs to put her back to sleep, she finally went to sleep and I was to lazy to go walking over to there house.
Because I looked like a mess anyways so I just laid on the couch and fell asleep.

I ended up waking up at like 9:00 in the morning realizing I was still at Kelly and Macs house I got up quickly and ran to to the kitchen to see Kelly holding Stella.

"Omg Kelly" I'm so sorry I fell asleep and I was just so exhausted and tired and I...

"No Caylee it's fine you fell asleep it was alright we came home early and I didn't want to wake you because you looked peaceful it's alright.

"Thank you so much Kelly and' I walked over and have her a huge hug.

"But there Is one thing you can do for me would you mind just taking the garbage outside please?

"Of course I said grabbing the garbage and going out the front door.

I looked to my right to see those boys standing outside with a bunch of other people but they then started to look at me.
I didn't want to look at them I just quickly put the garbage down and walked back inside the house.

teddy's pov;

okay, so since im like the leader here I get first dibs right?" Teddy asked.

"i dont think thats how it works." Pete stated.

"thats totally how it works." Said Teddy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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