New Neighbours Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful Tuesday summer morning and I went for a run around my block.
When I got back I opened the door and heard the phone ringing I quickly ran to the phone to answer it.

"Hi Caylee"?
"Hi Kelly"
"so Caylee I was hoping you would be able to baby sit Stella today?

"Oh yeah love too! "I have nothing else to do today what time?
"Well right now is fine"

"Okay I will be right over see you in 10 minutes!

When I arrived at Kelly's and macs house they where both outside holding Stella.
I drove in to the drive way I hoped out and came over to them they each gave me a hug. They where like my parents I was 18 and lived in my own house my parents passed away when I was 10 and I lived with my auntie until I was 18.
I came inside with Kelly while Mac went and sat inside the car.

"So Cailee" all of Stella's stuff is right here and we won't be back till 12:30 that's okay right?

"Yeah it's really no problem" we will have fun right Stella as I smiled at Stella.

I waved goodbye to Mac and Kelly and went back inside the house, I went upstairs and put Stella to sleep.
I came back downstairs and saw a moving truck I looked through the window and I saw a really hot guy with a yellow shirt stretching in the front lawn.
I then looked closer and saw another guy who was wearing a red shirt and they where both very hot.
I looked to the left and saw a bunch of other people moving there stuff in.

About a hour later I looked out the window again an the moving truck was gone and everything was in the house. I wanted to go over and introduce myself but I didn't want to embarrass myself.
A couple minutes later I got the nerve to come over and introduce myself I combed out my long brown curly hair and put my shoes on made sure Stella was alright and walked over to the house.

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