Chapter 10: The Princess of Shili

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Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars, but I do own this story.


Alexa POV

Woo hoo! Oh my gosh! This feels so good!

I can feel my heart pumping, blood rushing, the feeling of air being sucked in and out of my lungs like the pod racers that I used to have to watch and the steady beat of my feet hitting the polished marble floor helping me to slide round corners then dash off again. I am running and I feel great!

The only question is where should I go? I could run back to my room and stay in there for a while, or I could go and look for Skywalker. To be honest neither of those sounds very interesting, so somehow or another my feet had an idea and without realizing it I kept running until I was outside in the courtyard. I paused as I felt the gently breeze on my face and I smelt something that I hadn't in a long time... Freedom. Without thinking I had given myself the opportunity to run and never look back... But how can I? I have so much here that I haven't had before, so how can I even think about my life on the run?

Still despite how much the Jedi have done for me, there's a small part that wishes I was still living in the dark, running from the bounty hunters and living by my wits. I guess I miss the excitement and the adrenaline that rushed through me every time I had to make a daring escape or take down a few guys who thought they could turn me into an early pay-day.

I shook my head to clear it; this is where I should be, at least here I'm safe.

With that thought I kept running, however that did last long as I heard someone call my name..


I skidded to a halt and turned on my grinning as I watched Anakin chase after me, yet as he came closer he didn't seem to happy.

'Hello Master.'

'Alexa, what are you doing?!'


'Well I can see that.' He rolled his eyes.

'Then why ask?'

'Alexa, don't you get cheeky with me. What about your leg? Doesn't it hurt?' I could sense that his anger and frustration was only fuelled by concern, but trying to tell him that AI was fine didn't seem to calm him down.

'Anakin, I'm fine. Besides I need to start running and training again otherwise I'll be useless to you and everyone else on the mission. Speaking of which, when are we going?'

'I-' He never got to say as the beep of his comlink interrupted him. 'Skywalker here, go ahead.'

'Anakin.' A blue, holographic Master Kenobi appeared facing Skywalker. 'The council has just found out of your padawan's release from the Halls of Healing and says for the both of you to pack your things and board the ship, it is time for us to leave.'

Us? Is he coming too?

'Very well, Obi Wan we will meet you at the ship soon.' With that he ended the call and Master Kenobi disappeared.

'Wait, why are we meeting Master Kenobi on the ship?'

'Uh, yeah Obi Wan and his padawan are coming with us.'

'Rendal's coming?' I asked surprised.

'Yep and remember to be nice.' He reminded me.


'Don't you "whatever" me young lady and by the way Rex is coming too.'  He added before grabbing my hand and starting to drag me.

'Oh is that how it's going to be?' I laughed and started running, forcing him to jog beside me as we made our way up to our rooms.

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