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"What can I get for you Luke?" I ask even though I know exactly what he wants.

"The usual." His voice is low and scratchy.

"Okay that will be $2.50" I say looking up at him as he searches for his money.

"Shit I left my wallet at home." I hear him mumble. I grab my wallet and swipe my card and pay for him.

"You didn't have to do that." He finally looks me in the eyes.

"It's fine. Here's your order. Have a great day." I watch him pick his drink up and take a sip.

"When's your break?" He asked. It had surprised that he asked. I figured he'd just leave because he doesn't seem like he's having the greatest day.

"Um.." I start but my co-worker Jenny cuts me off.

"Now." She smiles and pushes me out of the way. She winks at me and I'm quick to look away. I untie my apron and make myself a drink.

Luke waits for me and we go to sit outside. I play with the ends of my sweater to avoid eye contact. It's awkward silence and I hate awkward silence.

"You were gone for a couple days what happened?" I asked pulling my sleeves over my hands.

"Oh.. I well I thought you were mad at me, so I stayed away. But Calum told me you asked about me." He bits his lip ring. I wish he wouldn't do that. It bothers me.

"Luke I wasn't mad at you I went-" I cut myself off because I really don't feel like sharing my metal statist.

"You went where Mikey?" He chuckles at the end. "Sorry I hope you don't mind me calling you that."

"It's fine I like it." I pause and ask myself if I should just tell him, I proceed to tell him the truth. "Luke, I went to the doctors because I'm starting to get bad again, the voices are back, the thoughts are back. All I want to do is swallow a whole bottle of pills, and end it." I look away and use the end of my sleeve to wipe my tears away.


"It's fine Luke, I know I'm a freak."

"That's not what I was going to say, you're not a freak. You're human. You're still you. You're still the same Mikey, this doesn't change my opinion on you. I like you. This is part of you and that's okay that you're not completely okay, we will get you through this together. I like you."

Rare {Muke au}Where stories live. Discover now