Chapter 5

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For Emalf, it was hard to sleep knowing the fiery devil of his world could find him at any moment. The boy really didn't want to go through the punishment that would be given to him. The whole night, Emalf continually shifted left and right in the makeshift bed, muttering some stuff to himself. It got to a point where Yosafire finally got annoyed, marched out of her room and threw a pillow in his face.

"These walls aren't sound proof, SO GO TO SLEEP!" When she left, his face was slightly red from the hit. Pouting, he gave up and closed his eyes.

"The........... World?"
"........gonna leave"
"Im not..............."

It was pitch black now.
But there was a small light in the distance
As Emalf approached it........

It felt like only a few seconds, but right when he opened his eyes, the bright light hit him. What...what happened...? Readjusting his vision, he got up. "What time is it?" He looked around the empty room. "No clock...."

Then it hit him. His phone! He hurriedly scavenged through his jacket next to him, and found the rectangular device. Though they were very popular back in the Flame World, Emalf had never actually owned a phone. Something Rieta said about them being "dangerous and unproductive". She somehow convinced Ivlis that they would encourage his underlings to disobey him. Thus, they were completely banned in the castle (even though Rieta still owned one).

The boy examined the phone until he found a little button on top. When he pressed it, he was greeted with a bright screen.

◊♦ ******, **, ****

Slide to unlock

"Maybe I should wake Yosafire...." Emalf donned on his sunglasses, and slowly stood up from the lump of blankets and pillows. He stretched his arms upwards and dragged him feet to Yosafire's room. Wait I can't effin' go in! But it was too late. He had already knocked.

Yosafire was peacefully enjoying her nap when she heard some knocking. As usual, she woke up with a smile, but as soon as she realized he was here, it soon turned into an upset frown. "What do you want, Moron?!" She yelled from her bed.

" time do we go to school?"

Yosafire stared blankly for a while. "9:05. Why?" She said loud enough for him to hear. Was he looking forward to going or something? Weirdo....

"Oh um 7:45......7:46 now..." He replied. "Should I sleep or something?"

Yosafire fluttered her eyes, readjusting them to the light. What idiot wakes up this early? She sighed, and stepped out of bed. He'd probably just stay up until it 9:05, meaning she would have to come to his rescue. Shuffling her way to the door, she opened it.

The greennette groaned, "How about you eat something. There should be food in the kitchen." Emalf turned around to see what she was talking about. "Sweet! Im starving!"

"Wake me up when its 8:30." And with that she closed the door and marched back to bed. The boy walked back to the door and peered through. "Aren't you gonna effin eat?"

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