Did You Have Clothes On?

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Holy. Shit.

I kissed Logan Campbell.

I kissed Logan fricking Campbell.

"I'm so sorry I left you last night!" Laura exclaimed as she came into my room a few minutes after Logan dropped me off.

"I kissed Logan Campbell!" I blurted.

"WHAT?!" she exclaimed.

"He kissed me outside the Skillet!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, please explain to me first why you were at the Skillet with Logan Campbell?" she said.

"So I wake up this morning next to Logan fricking Campbell," I said.

"Holy shit, did you have clothes on?" she asked.

"Yes, his t-shirt and the shorts I had on under my dress," I glared.

"Did he have clothes on?" she asked.

"Yes dumbass," I said, shooting her yet another look, "Apparently I got hammered last night."

"I can't believe I missed it," she snickered.

"So Logan says he found me at two thirty in the morning drunk as a sailor with beer in my hair," I said, "He said he took me to the bathroom and a puked for half an hour."

"Oh shit," she laughed, "This just keeps getting better."

"Shut up!" I laughed, "So he takes me back to his dorm because he said he couldn't leave me there alone."

"Awe," she said, "Why was he sleeping next to you if you both had clothes on?"

"He said I made him and pulled him onto his bed and wouldn't let him get up," I said.

"Awe," she said, making a heart shape with her hands.

"I'm not done!" I snapped, "So he took me to the Skillet because he said it was a hangover cure."
"Nice," she said.

"And when we were walking out, Jordan and the new girl were walking up and he said close your eyes and I was like what? And he said close your eyes and pretend you're enjoying this. Then BAM Logan fricking Campbell had his lips all over mine," I said.

"What did he say after that?" she asked.

"Nothing!" I exclaimed, "Nothing at all!"

"Oh jeez. What a dumbass," she said.

"Nationals are in three days, this is going to be hella awkward," I said.

"Penelope and Logan sitting in a tree..." Laura sang.

Just fricking great.


That night, my parents thankfully didn't get home until one in the morning, meaning I had time to sober up and change into my own clothes and sleep off the nasty hangover I had. I decided then that I was never drinking ever again, totally not worth the headache I had the entire day.

Monday and Tuesday morning were spent cramming in all the homework I had for the entire week and I was up until three packing on Tuesday morning trying to get ready for the trip on Wednesday.

I didn't see Logan on Tuesday in class, we met in small groups to discuss our papers again and he was in the late group and I was in the early one.

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