Chapter 9

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°Science Class°
I walked in class and didn't see Isai. I took my seat and started taking my things out when some one covered my eyes. . .
E: Who is it?
I: Guess. . .
E: . . . I don't know :}
~He removed his hands, I turned around, and it was Isai~
I: So. . . What's your answer?
E: Um. . . I'm not quite sure yet. . . I'll let you know after school
I: Ok :)
"Sheet of paper for a warm-up" Mr. Moore said.
~Everyone Sighs~
~Class flew by and I had to go to music class~

°Music Class°
I walked in and saw Ashton!
"He's so dreamy" I thought.
"Places people" Carlos said.
I took my seat and took out my drumsticks. . .
A: Emely, you busy at lunch time?
E: Hmm . . . No why?
A: Would you join me to practice our routines in drumming?
E: Sure :)
Ashton started banging the drums and I was amazed just like yesterday. . . And the day before that . . . and Etc. . .

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