2 - LONG NIGHT (part 1)

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When I finally finished the show, I came back to backstage to my dressing room, to see a familiar face. She was just there with me on stage how can she be so quick. My little talk with another model who was gushing about my family and our show has kept me hanging for a few seconds. And there she was in a completely ridiculous outfit, ready to leave this place.

"Hey, it was a good show, right? How you doin'?" Cara said casually.

"Yeah, yeah, it was allright." I said as I close my eyes and nervously massaging them with my fingers.

"What's up babe? You don't seem really satisfied. Is something wrong?" She asked as she came closer to me, leaning me against a very familiar hug.

It was all I need to relax, to put my all worries aside, and just feel warm and cozy. She is the only person on this planet who can make me feel like home. My schedule has been so crazy that I really don't think my place or my family house as home. This concept is ruined for me. I have been staying in fancy hotels for almost a year now, and I'm constantly panicking everytime I had to pack my stuff and move on to next country.

"It's not anymore. Thank you. I really needed that." I said, at the back of her neck slowly.

She tightened her grip. That felt really good. I am really lucky to have her, in my crazy life, full of drama, tabloids, gossips, rumors, she is the one single thing that kept me sane for the last couple of months.

Suddenly she walked out from our hug, " Let's go Ken, just change and we can get the fuck out of here!"

"Allright then, but don't peep perv!", I said playfully. My mood was suddenly a lot better.

"I'm getting out of your precious room my lady! Dress comfortably!", she said with an exaggerated accent .

I was ready to go! Stylish as ever, I got myself out of my room, say goodbye to few crew members and text Cara.

I am ready hun!

Ping! Ping!

Let's meet at the front gate. Wait up for our mini battle against paparazzi!

I was waiting for her to come to door, as I stood there and check my Instagram. Few minutes passed and there she was, coming to my rescue, with another girl, holding hands, giggling. I felt something which is oddly very similar to jealousy. It's not a shocker though, since I've always been little too possessive with my friends. Anyways, I greeted them with a huge smile on my face.

"Hey guys! Are you ready to leave?"

"Yeah babe, just a second."

She turned to girl she is holding hands with and ask for a few things. I saw her writing something down on her phone. So I assumed they were exchanging phone numbers. I stood there patiently and finally she turned to me, hold my hand and there we were, against a massive crowd of fans and paparazzi. They were trying to take many photos as possible. I covered my eyes with my hand. I had already maxed up on my "being on the spotlight" limit for today.

As we climbed to a black SUV, I sighed in relief. Everytime it felt like another battle out there. Their swords were lenses of their cameras and I got only a shield, which are usually some very expensive sunglasses.

When we get to hotel, we ordered some room service and started to wait. She was laying on the couch awkwardly, one leg on the floor, one leg on the back of the couch. I was already inside the bed with my covers keeping me warm.

"Hey, so, who was that girl?" I asked, trying not to sound weird.

"It was just some model that I met while I was waiting for you. She turned out to be very nice and pretty of course. But..."

"But?" I asked curiosly.

"Not so bright." She chuckled.

"Oh, maybe I should hang out with her, all I need is some darkness in my life." I said, emphasizing the word darkness.

"Come on! Why all of a sudden you became so depressed, I have never seen you like this before?"

"I don't know Cara, I'm just really thinking about life and stuff."

"OK. Then let's think together. You've been listening my constant blabbering about this "I might be liking girls" thing for a very long time now. Maybe I can help you decide on somethings too." She said cheekily.

I laughed, "So you haven't been with another girl already, have you?" I asked out of the blue.

"Erm, no. Why did you ask? Are you volunteering as tribute?" she burst out laughing.

"I might be, come, cuddle me."

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