We walk out of the door and I notice what am amazing day it really is. I'm glad both Prim and Haymitch forced me out of bed. The outdoors is where I belong. It's where I'm happy - which quite possibly explains my year's worth of depression spent inside. Alone.

I still live in Victor's Village. As does Haymitch and Peeta. I gaze at Peeta's house and think about how long it's been since we've seen each other. This will be the first time in months that we've made eye contact. I miss seeing his big blue eyes everyday, even if it was during a war. They gave me a feeling that would take over my entire body. Every time I looked at Peeta Mellark, I knew that everything was going to turn out alright. This rumor that I used to live by turned out out to be a partial untruth. Everything is, in fact, not alright. But the Hunger Games are over. The real enemy is dead. Peeta is alive, and well - that was my goal from the start, wasn't it?

We walk into town. Shops have been built back up. There are no more ashes on the ground. People seem genuinely happy. For the first time in over two years, I finally feel like I'm home. I keep my head down, though, so no one can ask me any questions. Try to make me feel better. I've hesitated to leave my house in Victors Village for the past twelve months because of this. I just don't want to start up a conversation with anyone other than the people I love. I figure I have enough food stored in my kitchen for a lifetime. I don't eat any of it, anyway, so there was no point in staying anywhere but my bed.

We follow the familiar pathway that Gale and I used to use when occasionally selling squirrels to Mr. Mellark. I never enjoyed going inside of the bakery at the time. I would tell Gale to go in and make the trade fast. I hated the sight of Peeta being abused by his parents. The thought of Prim being hit by my mother was just too much for me to handle. Each time I saw Peeta get hurt, I increasingly felt more and more guilty and selfish. Like I owed him. I still owe him. I'll never stop owing him.

Often I would sit outside and look at the beautifully decorated cakes in the window, wondering which single individual could possess that much talent. I know now, of course, that the talent belonged to Peeta Mellark.

I haven't seen the bakery since the bombing, and I can't seem to imagine the building as anything but a pile of rubble. We turn the corner, revealing the front of the shop, and I can't believe my eyes. The old, falling apart wooden bakery Peeta used to work in is gone. Taking it's place is a tall, gorgeous brick building with long glass windows. It's by far the most inviting shop in the area, if not in all of the district.

"Yup, when Peeta's folks let him design the joint, he really outdid himself." Haymitch says, probably noticing how shocked I am. "He has a real eye for beauty."

As if I didn't already know that.

I say nothing and keep walking towards the shop. This is the first time in my life that I want to visit Peeta's bakery. I walk inside, Haymitch right behind me, and notice how many people are waiting in line. It's not like before, where Gale and I could walk in and get immediate service. Peeta seems to find me within the crowd, though, because the second we make eye contact, he yells out my name. I wish he didn't do that, because everyone in the bakery turns their heads and stares at me. Wondering if Katniss Everdeen has recovered from the unforgettably rough times. I give Peeta a look and he mouths a genuine "sorry." I can't stay mad at him for long, because he runs up to me and gives me a strong hug. At first, I hesitate, remembering when he strangled me, but eventually, I can't help but hug him back. Haymitch has told me that he healed. And I trust him. 

I feel Peeta's warm body against mine. I know this wonderful feeling very well. It's one that I forget about until I experience it again. It's one that never wants to stop being felt.

I hate to admit it, but at this moment, I realized that I've missed the boy with the bread.

Peeta knows I'm uncomfortable with all of these people watching, so he takes my cold, bony hand, gives it a reassuring squeeze, and leads me back to the kitchen where we can be alone. Haymitch seems to be handling himself pretty decently by himself. The last I see of him is at the counter, probably requesting some beverages.

I'm surprised when I see Mr. Mellark making some bread. He sees me and flashes me slight smile. I choke up, considering the last time I saw him was when he visited me before the first games.

"Haymitch told me you might stop by," Peeta said looking right into my eyes. His voice is so different than the last time I heard it. It doesn't seem hurt anymore. It doesn't seem like anyone other than the Peeta I've known and loved. It seems normal, "He said you weren't eating. So I made you a loaf of bread."

I nod and slowly walk over to Mr. Mellark and pick up the bread from the counter. He eyes my figure, probably noticing how much weight I've lost. Our eyes meet, and I can tell he's shocked at my noticeable decrease in size. I know I can't resist eating it. The bread. I know I have to. I'll die if I don't. 

 I take a bite and know immediately that it's the exact type of bread that Peeta threw to me when we were 12. When I needed help. When I had given up trying. It takes just as satisfying as it did years ago. You seem to forget what it feels like to eat when you haven't done so in so long. I'm taken back to the look on Prim's face when she saw that I had brought home dinner. I could see the hope in her eyes that maybe, just maybe, we'd have a chance at survival. Peeta Mellark has given me hope again. Everything is going to be okay - and I know that this time, this statement is a complete truth.

"Thank you," I say to both of them. The warmness in their eyes lets me know that they're aware of my gratitude. That they know it's not only for the bread, but for everything.

Mr. Mellark nods and leaves the room, eyeing his son before he closes the door. Peeta walks me over to a spare table and asks for my jacket like a gentleman. I'm so caught up in his blue eyes that I give it to him without asking any questions. I feel just like I did in the games. When Peeta gave me the pearl he found inside the oyster. Like there was no one else in the world. No one but Peeta can make me feel like this. Suddenly, he looks confused and I don't know why. His eyes are pointed towards my shirt. Is he surprised at my size? No. But I don't know what could be wrong. Is there a stain I didn't notice when deciding on my outfit?

I look down immediately and know exactly what he's looking at. My Mockingjay pin. It's fully exposed and he knows I don't like wearing it.

"Your pin," He says, moving my braid aside. "I didn't think you'd want to... uhm..." He couldn't think of what to say that wouldn't make me sad, and I don't blame him.

"Hang on to the memories," I finish for him. And I tear up. I look into his eyes, and I can see him recognize what day it is.

"Your sister!" He takes my hand. I can hear the pain in his voice. He really cares for me, and he really did care for my sister.

"It's been a year," I mutter. I don't want to talk about it. But here I am. And I feel the tears well up in my gray eyes.

"Katniss," He says, wiping up one of my tears with his finger. "I've wanted to visit you, I've come to your house almost every day. Haymitch kept telling me to stay out of your way. I'm so sorry I haven't been there for you." Peeta strokes my braid and I take a deep breath. I don't know if I can ever say I'm alone in this world. At least not while Peeta Mellark is alive.

"I've just been a little preoccupied," I lie, dodging his gaze. What a stupid excuse. I've been alone with the windows drawn in my house for a year. I wish Haymitch would have let him in just a few times. He knew I didn't want visitors, though, and he probably didn't want to take the risk of upsetting me. I would have done the same.

"Alright," Peeta says, gently turning my head so I'm forced to look at him. "Just promise me you will spend some time with me, Katniss. I need you. Please stay with me."

I can't help but smile through the tears.

"Always," I agree.

I hope you enjoyed! Be sure to vote, comment, and follow me! Thank you!

-Melanie 🦁

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