"Okay suit yourself, if you want anything just tell Jarvis."

Dummy, Butterfingers, and You finally arrived with the usual tools and I have them follow me outside to the platform. Booth and Brennon come out as well. I start by opening a panel that is for programing the platform. It needed to be rewired and connected to the platform. Next I go to where the parts for Tony's suit are stored. The doors wouldn't open so I had to manually take them apart.

I started to name things out to Jarvis, "I need new doors for the storage compartments, wiring for the programing, and actually really the easiest way to go about this is to order new parts for everything, what is salvageable really isn't worth keeping, it is going to be easiest to redo everything instead of picking and choosing what is okay."

With that I start to take everything apart and take it inside making a junk pile. Starting out with jut the small stuff.

"While, this is pretty cool, I wouldn't ever imagine being in Stark Tower. Much less watching one of Tony Stark's inventions being taken apart." Booth says.

"Well I know how pretty much everything works, heck I could even program my own version of Jarvis. This platform is going to take me a while to take apart. I don't need you guys to stay if you need to be somewhere."

"We can stay a little longer, I would really feel more comfortable if there was an adult here when we left." Booth tells me.

"Okay, hey Jarvis I could use my suit to help me with the heavy stuff."

"I'll send it right up."


"Are we about to see an ironman suit?" Booth asks getting excited.

"Um kind of, this one is my own and is green and silver instead of red and gold," I explain.

"Hey it's still a suit, but I thought that you said your suit wasn't ready."

"It's not ready for battle, for something like this it's perfectly fine."

My suit lands on the platform at this point and opens up for me the get in. I walk over to my project from the last two months and step inside. It fit perfectly to my body, and pretty comfortable for being encased in a titanium alloy.

"That is amazing," Booth says.

Dr. Brennon comes over with Booth to get a closer look. "How are you able to get it to operate without you or someone else inside?"

I lift up my helmet so they could see my face and they wouldn't hear the robotic sound from when I talk through the mask. "There are sensors inside that orders are sent to. Jarvis handles giving it the orders, depending on what Tony or I want it to do."

"Amazing craftsmanship. Does the entire building process happen here? Or do you have a place that manufactures everything for you then you put it together?" Brennon asks.

"Everything is done here in the lab. Tony has trust issues. I'm the only other person who knows the blueprints, well besides Banner, but I'm the only person who is getting a suit."

"Mr. Stark must really trust you then." Brennon says.

"Well he pretty much raised me with the other Avengers, but I've spent most of my time with him and Banner."

"That must be nice to have so many people you can count on."

"Well with the Avengers, you can't ever know who is going to be there. They all get called out to do things. You know being superheroes and all, but yah it's nice, we're one big family."

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