"It's lovely to meet you, Brad has said some wonderful things about you." She wrapped her arms around me and I returned the gesture, tensing up.

"All good i hope." She chucked releasing me.

"Not one bad word!"

"Let's go inside, we've had a long journey." Brad instructed grasping hold of my hand firmly. Following behind Anne I stepped into his family house with him walking behind me our hands still connected.

"Would you like a drink? Tea, coffee, maybe something fizzy?" Anne offered politely as she paced around the little kitchen.

"Could I possibly have a glass of water please Mrs Simpson?" I asked shyly.

"Of course you can." She smiled and began making the simple drink. "And call me Anne dear." She smiled and handed me my drink. I thanked her and drank it slowly.

"What brings you here for the weekend then?" Anne wondered as she looked firmly at her son. "No texts or calls for several months then two days ago a phone call saying you are coming over to visit with your girlfriend whom you never seemed to mention ever before."

"I should of told you, I know." Brad sighed deeply as he fidgeted with his hands, unable to keep eye contact with his mum. "Joe has finally allowed Summer and I are publicise our relationship so I wanted to tell to you before you read a magazine article or saw a TV interview."

"How long have you kept this secret then?"

"5 months." Brad lied. "I've only just told the boys."

"And is this relationship both what you want? Relationships can be tough enough if your not in the spotlight but you'll be in the spotlight twenty four seven."

"Brad and I have been over this several times these last few months, we both feel like it's time to make it serious." I reassured Anne, faking at smile at Brad.

"I wish you wouldn't have kept it a secret from me though." She playfully moaned as she made herself a cup of tea.

"I wanted to tell you for ages but then again I don't want to share Summer with anyone." Brad joked as he pinched my cheeks, I chuckled looking down at my water. I placed the glass in the sink, then went to turn around but Brad grabbed me by the waist.

"You are a beautiful girl Summer, I hope my little ickle Bradley knows how lucky he is."

"Mum!" Brad whined on annoyance.

"What?" She googled innocently.

"Can you stop with the nickname little ickle? I'm not four years old anymore." He stamped his feet on the ground causing Anne to laugh.

"Look at yourself, I call you that because majority of the time you are acting like a four year old."

"You mum is very true there." I teased Brad.

"So how did your parents react to Brad, Summer?"

"I-I don't speak to my parents often." I stuttered suddenly becoming shy as I felt my throat go dry.

"Whys that?" Anne asked concerned.

"My mum and dad split up when they found out they were having me, i don't have any contact with my dad and my mum she isn't bothered about me." I whispered quietly. "She has a new family, and I see my manager more as a mother figure."

"Oh you poor little thing." Anne automatically gasped turning around looking at me in shook. "Us parents can never stop loving our children, I'm sure you mum does love you-"

"You clearly don't know my mum." I muttered miserably underneath a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for asking."

"Don't be." I reassured Anne quickly. "It's lovely to know Brad has a kind and caring family."

"Which you are apart of now." She added which caused a smile to plaster itself across my face.

"Where is dad and Nat?" Brad asked. "And where's my girl Jesse?"

"They've gone out for a walk, they said they'll be back for dinner." She explained."Brad, why don't you get yourself and Summer settled in whilst I finish off making dinner?" Anne smiled. I nodded in agreement at Anne's idea, holding onto Brads arm as he lead me out of the kitchen and up the stairs into his room.

"This is my room." Brad announced revealing the rather cramped bedroom. It was tiny compared to his one back at the apartment. It had a small single bed with blue duvet matching his blue wallpaper. The room was cluttered with all his belongings that he had when he was a child; old toys, magazine articles, posters, skateboards and CDs. Above his bed, hanging on the wall was a worn out guitar and photos of younger him playing at what seemed music concerts. "Sorry about the mess."

"So this is where you filmed your very famous YouTube covers?" I laughed settling down on the bed, taking in my change of surroundings.

"Right here." He joined in my laughter, taking the space beside me and smiled to himself. "I was just an ordinary kid, singing and playing my guitar to a webcam then suddenly everything changed."


I'm getting really bad fetus Brad's feelings because of the last sentence ):

The boys are growing so much, can't we just go back to 2012/2013 when hardly anyone knew them...

Please excuse any spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.

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Love you all x

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