Marth x reader: once upon a december

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This was requested by: vocaloidlover182
Request a fan fic if you want
(Y/n)= your name
(E/c)= eye color
(F/c)= favorite color
(Sf/c)= second favorite color
(P/n)= puppy name
(H/n)= horse name
(V/g)= video game you're from
Okay now let's get started
It was a cold December evening (y/n) from (v/g) was getting ready for the ball held at Marth's castle. Zelda's maids and female helpers tailored beautiful sparkling ball gowns for the girls. You stood there in awe at how beautiful the dress was. It was (f/c) with (sf/c) ribbon attached near the waist line. You both changed into the beautiful gowns. You put on a warm (f/c) cardigan and went outside to see the coach man. You enter the cart and see (p/n) waiting inside. He/she sits on your lap as you see the beautiful white snow decorate the land.
~time skip to Marth's castle~
Marth's p.o.v: I was a nervous a bunch of butterflies in my stomach. I can't mess this up this is the one opportunity to confess my love for (y/n). Her sweet smile, cute giggles, (e/c) that shine bright and warm, when she walks into a room she lights it up.
Normal p.o.v:
Zelda and (y/n) go through the entrance greeted by the Knights who waved at them seeing their invitation they let them in. The ballroom was grand, marble flooring and stairs, beautiful lights. (Y/n) kinda felt intimidated there were princess and girls who were much beautiful than her. 'Marth wouldn't want me anyway he probably doesn't feel the same he's my best friend.' The music plays its her favorite song from her favorite movie, Anastasia. Her friend Ike held his hand out to her dancing with her.
"Dancing bears,painted wings things I almost remember~" you begin to sing Ike smiles waltzing with you.
"And a song someone sings once upon a December~" you let him lead you  "someone holds me safe and warm~ horses prance through a silver storm~"
"Figures dancing gracefully across my memory~"he looks at the people dancing and smiles still holding you close to him dancing. Everyone dances females curtseying. "Someone holds me safe and warm, horses prancing through a silver storm, figures dancing gracefully across my memory~" Ike twirls you around and Roy catches you. "Far away, long ago, glowing as dim as an ember things my heart used to know~" Roy smiles dancing with you. "Things it yearns to remember~" Roy twirls you and you end up in Marth's  warm strong protective grip. "And the song someone sings one upon a December~" he dances with you dips you down pulling you back up. "(Y/n) I -I love you" Marth says looking at you.
"Marth I love you too" you reply as he kisses you holding you. You kiss back as the guests applaud. His parents cry happy tears his sister smiles mouthing the words to you ' good luck take care of him' you mouth back ' of coarse I will'.Marth kisses you one more time and you two spend the rest of the night with each other along with (p/n).

Pit x reader: let me be your wings~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora