Part 11

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Walking home, I smiled to myself. It was a lovely summer evening, not too cold and not too hot. Birds were singing their songs in the trees, taking advantage of the very last sun rays of the day. Here and there you could hear some children laughing, playing hide and seek or tag with each other. The sound of their laughs and the chirping birds made everything look so innocent, as if all the bad in the world had disappeared this evening. Logan had not once crossed my mind. Actually nothing really crossed my mind. I was just enjoying my walk, taking my time as I had nothing better to do this evening.

I suddenly snapped out of my blissful moment, as a low, cheerful voice behind me interrupted the evening sounds.

"Hey there little scared girl!" I turned around and couldn't help but smile as I found Lucas waving at me, a few metres away. I waited until he had reached me before greeting him.

"Hi Lucas, how are you?"

"I'm good, thanks. What'ya doin' out here, all by yourself?"

"I'm just walking home." Talk about a lame answer.

"Don't think Dave'd like that, huh? All alone, in a dark park." He said, kind of jokingly.

"I'm perfectly fine, thank you. I can handle myself." I snapped at him. Why did everyone always think I was helpless? Was it because I'm a girl? Does that make me weak or something?

Lucas's lips cracked in a wide smile, showing off his white teeth, which appeared to be even more white against his dark brown skin. "Sure you can, lil' scared girl."

"Hey, I'm going to hang with the boys, wanna come?" He asked.

I thought about that for a minute. I'd love to come, hanging out with them had been fun. But I didn't want to look like some kind of stalker. Plus, I felt like I was intruding their 'boys night'. So, I shook my head, declining his offer.

"You don't really have a choice, you know." He said, the friendly smile not leaving his lips. "Common Nina, it'll be fun."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "Did you just call me by my actual name?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Don't get used to it, scared little girl," He said, as he started to walk in what was most definitely not the direction of my apartment, mentioning me to follow him.

I shrugged and accelerated a bit, so that I now walked next to him. "Where are we going?" I asked him.

"Just the other end of the park, to our rocks."

"Your rocks?"

"Well, they're not really our rocks, but we just always sit on them. And, you know, we kinda have this reputation, so nobody else sits on them." He explained.

I nodded understandingly. Yes, they certainly had a reputation, and not a really good one. But I knew better, they were good fun to hang out with.

When we arrived, suddenly my feet were lifted up off the ground as I was crushed into a massive hug.

"Nina! I thought you'd never come back for me!" Casper cried out in an over-dramatic voice.

"Okay, I love you too Cas. Now please let me go before you squeeze me to death." He chuckled and put me down on my feet again.

When I was properly standing I looked around, to find Dave and Allan sitting on 'their rocks'. Their intense hand signs told me they were right in the middle of a pretty heated and serious conversation, but I couldn't make out what they were saying as they kept their voices low. They hadn't once looked up, I didn't even think they had noticed me being here.

I looked back over my shoulder. Casper and Lucas were play fighting witch each other. I rolled my eyes. I headed towards Dave and Allan, as I didn't feel like play-fighting today. Or well, I'd never really felt like play-fighting. I guess that's a boys thing.

I sat down on a rock close to Dave and Allan, but they still didn't notice me, and just went on with their conversation. I knew I should've walked away, but I couldn't. I was curious, so I listened.

"... so I don't want to be responsible for that, Dave. These are my problems, not yours."

Where was Allan talking about?

"I'm not just going to stand here and watch them do that to you. All I'm doing is giving them what they deserve." Dave said.

Who's they? And what have 'they' done to Allan?

"But you know this was your last warning. Next time they won't let you go after a few nights." Allan replied.

"Then so be it." Dave snapped.

I decided that I didn't understand a single thing of this conversation, and I could better show myself before they'd notice me and think that I had been listening. Which was exactly what I had been doing, but they didn't need to know.

I cleared my throat, causing both Dave and Allan's head to snap in my direction immediately. Where Allan kept his facial expression quite neutral, Dave looked plain angry.

"How long have you been listening?" He snapped at me.

"Hello Dave, nice to see you too." I sarcastically replied to him. "I just got here." I added.

Dave actually looked like he regretted his sudden fall out towards me. But of course he didn't apologize. I mean, he was Dave Harper. Arse.

Allan interrupted my thoughts. "How have you been, Nina?" He asked me, polite as always. I really didn't understand how he got this bad boy reputation. It was probably just because of his friends, because Allan himself was seriously one of the sweetest boys I'd ever met.

"Great!" I said, beaming at him. He returned my smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. I remembered how they used to twinkle the last time I saw him.

"What happened?" I asked in horror as I took a better look at his face. Or whole body. He was all covered in painful looking bruises.

"Just a fight, nothing bad." He assured me. Just as I wanted to tell him that it clearly was 'something bad', Lucas interrupted me.

"DAVE, ALLAN AND NINA, YOU ARE AGAINST ME AND CAS!" He yelled, as he stormed towards us, kicking the ball with him as he ran.

"WE'RE PLAYING SOCCER!" Casper, who was following Lucas, added.

And just like that, I was in a team with Dave and Allan, playing against Lucas and Casper. We played for forty-five minutes nonstop. I was pretty proud to say that I had scored a few goals. Although the other boys were clearly a lot better then me, especially Casper. When he had the ball, nobody stood a chance. He could've played against all of us and probably still win.

After the game we laid down on the grass for a while to catch our breath. I got my Ipod out of my pocked at glanced at the time: 8pm. I hadn't eaten dinner yet, and I was getting quite hungry.

As if Dave could read my mind, he got up. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm going home. I'm hungry." He said. Then he looked at me. "I'll give you a ride, Nina."

Thanks." I said, but he was already walking towards his motor.


Soo... what do you guys think Dave & Allan were talking about? What is going on? 

I'm sorry that it's such a short chapter (again.) It's kind of a filler. I thought the story needed some more Lucas, Casper, Allan & Dave in it.

The chapter is dedicated to Charlotte for being an awesome reader! I love reading your comments ♥

x Fleur

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