1- The Beginning

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We were all playing outside, my two sisters, my brother and I.  Since not so many cars passed in our road our mother used to let us play in the street. We did this nearly every day, even though we were quite a bit old to be playing. My brother, who was the eldest out of all of us, was seventeen. His name was Ethan. I remember he had hazel coloured hair and the most beautiful set of blue eyes I had ever seen. My sister Samantha was only a year younger than my brother. She had dark brown hair, but dyed it ginger, and has freckles all over her face. My other sister, whom her name is Elizabeth, or Ellie for short, is eleven months younger than Sam. Her hair is so dark, it almost looks black, and her eyebrows are always big, but they suit her. Then there was me. After my mother had Ellie, the doctors said that she couldn't have another baby, due to some complications that happened during her giving birth. I came unexpectedly two years after. The doctors said I was a miracle, even though I had to be delivered when my mum was only seven months pregnant with me. I had spent about five months in an incubator since I was also very little. I love all of my siblings but I absolutely adored Ethan. He used to take me to soccer games and hikes while my sisters used to play dress up. He was very intelligent and always protective over us, but that day, was the worst day of my life.

 Since Ethan had been teaching me how to play soccer, I wanted to show him that I was actually good. I kicked the ball and it landed in the middle of the street. My brother told us to stay on the side walk while he got the ball. It should have been me to go get that damned ball. A car swerved into our street. I guess the driver couldn't see him. The car collided with Ethan's body and kept on going. Ethan rolled on the floor and stayed motionless. I stood there in shock and fear, trying to put together what just happened. My sisters were screaming for my mum to come out and call the ambulance. I just stared at my brother's lifeless body. I knew he was dead, but I still had a little bit of hope he might be alive. I ran up to him and tried to perform CPR, but it was no use. My mum came out of the house and started crying hysterically. The neighbours also came out to what had happened. The ambulance arrived two minutes later. The paramedics also tried CPR but it didn't work. They quickly rushed him to the hospital. My mum hopped into her car and drove off behind the ambulance. The next-door neighbours offered for us to stay at their home while we waited for mum to arrive back. My sisters stayed crying for the whole day until our mum came home to let us know that he didn't make it.

 A few days later we had the funeral. I got to choose which picture we should use on that day. All the school and neighbours came. My sisters wrote a speech and my mum talked as well. Everyone brought a flower and put it on his grave. After the ceremony, our family and friends gathered at our home, paying their respects. I didn't want anyone to say his name. I ran up to my room and flung onto my bed. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I cried for so long, I ended up sleeping. That day was truly horrific.


Greetings people of the Internet!

Well, this is my first story on the internet. I have written many things before but I haven't uploaded them anywhere. Just to let you know I am not American, so I learnt British, but I tried to change some words you might say differently from me. If you want to ask any questions about the story, feel free to ask me!

Bubye !! xx

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