prologue - ten years worth

Start from the beginning

Ross then started to lean in, slowly and carefully, but at that very moment, Laura decided to just grab the collar of his shirt and pulled him towards her, impatient and kissed him with full force.

This was definitely not a Disney approved make-out scene.

More importantly, this was definitely not something an innocent Laura would do.


"Could you believe this is finally it? I've never thought this day would come. It's just- just unexplainably unbelievable." Raini exhaled heavily, jerking her hands towards her three best friends and pulling them all into a gigantic bear hug, her and Laura, a tad emotional and teary-eyed.

"I just can't apprehend how fast time has flown. It's just so heart-wrenching, you know?" Ross casted out to the ceiling, running his fingers through his hair.

"IF ALL WE ARE IS JUST A MOMENT, DON'T FORGET ME 'CAUSE I WON'T AND, I CAN'T HELP MYSELF." Calum sang, purposely in an off-tune manner, along with fake sobs, as he buried his face to Raini's shoulder.

Laura remained silent the entire time, grasping Ross' hand, not losing any of her grip to make sure it stays that way.

"How about you, Laura?" Ross then turned to the real-life Ally, asking her.

"What about me?" Laura inquired, absolutely clueless of what Ross was asking for.

"Do you have anything to say since it's like the end of um.. you know." He stammered, gulping.

"I guess it hasn't sunk in yet. I may look and seem teary-eyed and bummed with the end of something as amazing as this show, but for sure, I know that I'll be bawling my eyes out later, when I finally let everything out and deteriorate my state of being." She blandly replied, tightening her grip on the blonde's hand, as he squeezed hers, reassuring her that he'll be there for her when the time comes.


"Bad Hair Day will be amazing! I'm sure of that. Laura's so proud of it, and I'm so proud of her too! Aw man, I'm so excited of the premiere of the movie in a few minutes." Ross excitedly buzzed to a nearby interviewer.

"What about her music? I heard that she might sign to 'Big Machine Records' if the record label signs her." The interviewer questioned to Ross.

"I'm even more excited for Laura! I just know she's going to get it. Even if I'm the only person out of Raini and Calum whom hasn't heard her sample songs yet, I know that she'll do amazing!" Ross exclaimed, even more eager than a minute ago, if that was possible.


"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Laura squealed, bidding the contract signer goodbye and couldn't wait but to call her blonde best friend as she rushed home and plopped down on a seat nearby, not minding her exhaustion.

She checked the clock that was stuck to the wall of her kitchen.

It was the perfect time to call him.


No answer. It's okay. It's not like Ross hasn't answered the first time before. Actually, knowing Ross, he almost always answered during the first ring, but Laura didn't let that get to her.


Still no answer. Laura would usually freak out, but he could be busy. R5 just debuted their new album and it escalated to top 1 in the Billboard Charts immediately. They must be rehearsing their songs from the 'Sometime Last Night' album or perhaps preparing for their world tour.


Ross still hasn't picked up. Now, Laura realized that it would be absurd of him to be occupied at this time of day, given that he usually was. Maybe she wasn't as important to him anymore.


Just as Laura was about to hang up, hopeless, Ross answered the phone- accidentally answered the phone, rather. Laura would know, he was moaning so loud, giving her the hint that he was about to go through a very mature act with another being, and it shattered her valued organ, for starters. She shook her head, knowing it was absurd and pointless, so she hung up instead.

One would think that it was simply nothing but a misunderstanding or a wrong number, and Laura was the first person whom assumed it was so, so she let it go, telling Raini and Calum about the record deal, less enthusiastic. As for Ross, it wasn't the same anymore. Ross and Laura barely communicated, for some reason. Laura had a boyfriend three days after the incident, and the same happened to Ross, with a girlfriend.

It was as if they were nothing special anymore.

She built a façade of her fake happiness, still smiling and being that kind and beautiful Laura that everyone loved on the outside, not realizing she missed a certain blonde, and that certain blonde was the cause of the hole in her heart.

As for the rockstar, he didn't even care about the whole situation whatsoever at all– at least that's what it looked like on the outside. He's been slowly morphing into another individual, ignoring fans, underage drinking, rarely smiling, as if he wasn't grateful for what he has, and what he doesn't know is that he's hurting. It may not seem like it, but he is, so much, and what's unfortunate about this is that even he doesn't know.

And with the occurring events that happened afterwards, the Raura shippers soon started to lose hope and move to other fandoms, knowing that it was truly the end, grateful of the four-year-journey they've been through together, from the Raia drama to the cockblock interviews, to the heated make out scenes on Austin and Ally that was clearly not for a Disney TV show.

Hence, RIP Raura.


So, hey there guys. Here I am with a new Raura fanfic. I honestly don't know if I'll ever be good enough to reach anyone's standards, knowing that I'm simply an amateur at writing.

So for those wondering, this fanfic is basically drawn from the hashtag #raura2023. It's not much yet, but I hope that I'll be able to write the whole plot someday.

I guess that would be all for now? Please leave a comment below of your feedback on this story. Updates will be based on that.

Question of the Chapter: Who's your favorite YouTuber? (You can name more than one) xx


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