prologue - ten years worth

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prologue - ten years worth


"So Ross.. Now, we've reached the peak of this interview. Your fans, admirers and even a few of your actor friends have all been wondering this question that I am about to ask you." The interviewer briefly spoke, stopping at that very second to add some sort of dramatical effect.

Ross had a forced grin- that hid how worried he was- on his face and nodded, acknowledging her to continue.

"You've mentioned in previous interviews that you want to establish a professional, civilized relationship with your co-workers and such, but would you ever consider dating your Austin and Ally co-star, Laura Marano?" The interviewer then continued.

Ross stared blankly at the interviewer for a few seconds, before realizing what he was doing and tried to speak elaborately.

"Yes, you are correct."

He cleared his throat and paused, thinking of the right words to say, which almost took him forever- but somehow, he was able to construct and come up with sentences- some of which, were only for him to know and not the general public.

"I don't see Laura and I dating in the near future, as long as the show is still ongoing because I am well aware that mixing work with pleasure will not lead to a worthy result." Ross fidgeted as he spoke, playing with his damp fingers and rubbing them together, right before placing them on his neck.

"Bu-but you never know what's going to happen in ten years..." He dryly added, trailing off and emphasizing on the word 'ten'.

The interviewer then smiled a tad bit too wide that she experienced difficulty concealing it and turned to the camera.

"Well, there you have it. Ross Lynch for you everybody! So, do you think that Raura, the pairing name of Ross and Laura, will happen? Comment them down below and while you're at it, don't forget to leave a subscribe to our channel. I'm Linda Maxwell, and thank you, for watching Celebrities on Fleek!" The interviewer breathlessly ended the outro, giving the signal to Ross that he could leave the workspace already.


"I'm so nervous. What if I fail? What if I mess something up? What if I'm a lousy kisser? It's Valentine's Day, and I'm sorry if the 'Real Life and Reel Life' kiss will be horrible for you. Gahhh, I'm so new to this." Laura freaked during the last minute, right before Ross and Laura were going to sing and reenact the reprise of 'You Can Come To Me', more frantic than ever.

"Chill, Laura. You'll do fine, I promise. Hey, I should be more anxious than you. I'm your first kiss- and I'm pretty sure that you're going to sweep our feet away with your phenomenal acting skills just like every normal Austin and Ally scene or taping." Ross assured, blushing when he finally apprehended the last part of what he has just said.

Laura looked flushed. Her cheeks were burning at a deep shade of crimson red and her eyes, staring at her feet, as they shifted from left to right, or tapped the floor, actively and continuously.

"Um, could we please practice the kiss first, so that I won't feel uncomfortable during the real kissing scene when everyone stares at us, filming later?" Laura barely mumbled, antsy and timid.

Ross smiled.

"Of course. Anything for you, Laura." He guaranteed to his fidgeting brunette, lifting her chin up and staring into her chocolate-brown orbs.

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