"I have belly ache." Kenny whined.

"Its okay. Just drink some water. I told you Kenny to watch your sugar eating self." I accusingly said.

"But daaaa-"

"Shh.. it's okay." I rubbed his belly. Trying to sooth the pain he was feeling. We were currently driving back home so we could pack. We would be leaving on a cruise for Cassandra's birthday. There are so many advantages to being a ruler of a whole bunch of people. Some going as far as giving us many gifts for Cassandra. Just like this cruise. Some stuff for her room. Her favorite candy. She was spoiled for her birthday. Not that I'm complaining. It comes in handy.

"Everybody go put your things together. Collin and I will be around to help and little Johnny, Kenny, only necessary things." the girls giggled and ran off to pick clothes and stuff they wanted to bring along the three week tour.


"Hm?" I answered turning around to face Iris.

"Dominic and Nathaniel sent this for your birthday." I looked at the card in his hands. I grabbed it not wanting to open it. Thanking him before going up to the attic. In the box where I put all their letter. Somehow they still wanted to know about how I was doing or how they were treating me. They sent a letter every month for the past year since they left.

Smiling through my tears. Not wanting to be upset for the fact that they still cared. It bothered me to the very core that I never sent a letter back. Not once but they continued on sending them. This letter specifically was for my birthday that they still remembered about so I decided I would read it once I got home.

Yes. It's my birthday too. But it's also Cassandra's. I want this to only be about her. They deserve it

I walked to Sara's room. Sara was putting the clothes she wanted to take on the bed. "You can take your teddy bear too." Sara looked at me and smiled.

"Really." I nodded. She then frowned.


"Yes?" I sat down on her bed and she sat down next to me.

"If my mama ever comes back and want to take me back.. will you let her take me back?"

"What? Of course not. You are my pup now. You belong with us. I won't let you go without a fight." she threw her arms around my neck. "Now come on, lets get you all packed." I pulled out her small suitcase from under the bed and helped her fit her clothes in it.

"Thank you daddy."

"No worries." I left her watching TV and went to help some more kids.

"Kenny why in the world do you need your your PS3 and all your video games. We're going on vacation." I took away all his games from his packing bag. "You'll need clothes, shoes, socks, toothbrush, sandles." I ranted on and on. He just stared at me in a boring matter.

I started right back at him when he didn't answer. "Fine." he mumbled before going to pick out clothes. "Can I at least take my gameboy?" I nodded at him.

"Everything good?" I asked Collin.

"Everything is great love. Stop worrying." he kissed me after reassuring me it will be a fun safe trip. It will be a safe trip for all of us. We already made the proper authorization with the werewolf in charge of the country and states. Not having to worry about all of that again.

"Calm down Timothy." Iris wrapped his arms around me. "Stop stressing." he kissed my cheek and began massaging my shoulders. "It'll be alright." Sighing I closed my eyes and moved my neck to the side.

Belonging To Them (boyxboyxboyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now