Whatever, Sunshine

Start from the beginning

"Hey," Will chimed as I reached him.

"Hi," I continued walking towards the bus stop, Will falling in step beside me.

"So how was the rest of your weekend?" Will asked, trying to make small talk.

"Will," I started.  I really didn't want to push him away, but it was the best thing I could do for him.  "You really don't want to be seen with me," I mumbled, barely audible.

"What was that?"

I took a breath "You really don't want to be seen with me."

"Why would I not want to be seen with you?  You're my friend.  Why should I be ashamed of that?" Will gave me an incredulous look. 

"I'm not the most popular person at school.  In fact, most people hate me," I swallowed.  This was harder than I thought it would be.  "I just figured that I shouldn't drag down before you even have a chance to make a first impression."  There it was.  The absolute truth, out in the open.  This was where the road ended, as it always did.

Will stopped.  He spun me around to face him and looked me square in the eyes.  "Why does what those people think matter?"

"Because they can and will make your life hell."

"How could my life be hell when there is an angel in it?"  Will's eye's were still locked on mine.  I felt my cheeks heat up and chastised myself.  There's no way he meant me.

"It's your funeral," I shrugged.  Will released my wrists and I turned to continue walking, seeing the bus rounding the corner.

"Whatever, Sunshine."


"It seems we have a new student today," Mrs. Jenisen announced at the beginning of choir.  The day had been abnormally quiet and I was getting worried.  I already knew it was Will.  He'd told me that he was taking choir yesterday.

Just as I'd predicted, Will stepped through the door.  "I'm Will Solace," he said, smiling.

"Well Will, you can take a seat in your section.  Do you know what part you are?"

"Yes ma'am," Will's southern accent only added to the list of his endearing qualities.  "I'm a tenor."

"You can take a seat next to Mr. di Angelo," Mrs. Jenisen gestured in my direction.  Will happily sauntered up the risers and plopped into the seat next to me.  I looked away so he wouldn't see me blush.  I couldn't figure out why he made me feel this way and I couldn't really figure out if I liked it or not.


I crutched into the lunchroom and took my usual seat in the corner.  It was a good thing our school let us carry our backpacks around because there was no way I'd be able to hold my books while trying to get through the crowded hallways.  That was hard enough as it is.

I pulled my slightly squished lunch out of my backpack and looked up to see a mop of blonde hair bobbing towards me through the crowd.  I turned my gaze to the table, fearing the worst.

"Hey," Will's voice sounded above my head.

I looked up.  "Hey."

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