Louis the bird

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"Oi! What in the bloody hell are you doing with my lunch!!" The worms look up in fear, only to be met with a pretty small bird. Harry had never seen a bird as pretty as this unknown stranger was. Niall on the other hand was terrified for his and his best worm mates life. "W-We're sorry. We didn't know this was s-someone else's. Please don't eat us!!!!" Niall started squirming away, but the scary bird stopped him. "It's ok I suppose. Here, we can share. I'm Louis by the way." He spoke, scooting the apple towards the two worms. "And we're leaving." Niall spoke, trying to slither away again, but Harry stopped him. "And I'm Harry." He spoke, shaking some curls out of his face. Louis had never seen a prettier worm than Harry, and usually he would've just eaten the worms by now, but he couldn't, he loves Harry he decided. Little did Louis know, Harry also decided he loved Louis in the little time that they had known each other. Harry looked to Niall, pleading with his eyes so that they could stay and eat, and eventually Niall caved in. "Ugh fine, but we're leaving as soon as we're done eating. But this doesn't mean I trust Lewis or whatever his name is." Louis scowled at Niall, informing him that his name was pronounced loo-wee and not loo-is. Nonetheless they all started munching away, until they heard a sound in the nearby bushes.

Sorry. Yet another cliffhanger ;)

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