Chapter 2

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Calico's POV:

I woke up the next day to some stupid alarm clock going off. I slowly got out of bed and grabbed my phone from the charger shoving it in my pocket. I grabbed my duffle bag and headed downstairs. Dropping it by the door I walked into the kitchen. The lady who runs the girls home and my social worker Jenny were talking at the table.

I walking into room grabbing an apple from a dish on the counter and taking a bite.

"What are we talking about?" I said with a mouthful of fruit

" Your flights and the arrangements of your new foster home." Jenny said

"What about that stuff?" I asked wearily

"Well your flights in an hour so we have to leave soon to get there on time. As for your foster family, there have been some.... complications." She said

"What kind of complications?" I asked.

"Well the original family we were going to place you with, they were in a car accident and are incapable of having you in there care." She started "however we found you a new foster mother in L.A. that said she would be happy to take care of you."

I just nodded finishing off my apple and throwing it away.

"Alright, if you're ready we can go." Jenny added.

I looked down at what I was wearing. A pair of black leggings and a red and black plaid flannel with my black and white vans. "Yeah, I'm good." I said

Jenny nodded heading to the door and I followed her grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

Once we got to the airport and got threw customs we arrived at the gate with five minutes to spare. I texted my friends saying I would miss them before we had to bored the plane. Jenny was coming to California with me to make sure I get settled in and all that shit. I'm also on probation and no one trusts me to travel alone.


Several hours later we were pulling up to a rather large sized house.

"What does this lady do again?" I asked staring at the house.

"She works at a hospital. She's a surgical assistant I believe."  Jenny replied turning the car off. Well that explains things.

Sighing I got out of the car and grabbed my bag. Slinging it over my shoulder I followed Jenny to the door. The door swung open before we could even knock revealing a woman who was in her mid to late thirty's smiling at me.

"You must be Calico!" She said hugging me tightly.

"Can't. Breathe." I choked out.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said backing away. "My names Elizabeth Jacobs, but you can just call me Liz. It's so nice to meet you Calico."

"Just call me Callie." I said

"Alright, well I'll leave you to get settled in and I'll check on you tomorrow." Jenny said waving back and walking back to her car.

Normally social workers don't care that much about kids and what there foster homes are like but with me, well that's just a whole different story.

"Alright, would you like me to show you to your room?" Liz asked.

"I guess." I replied shrugging.

Liz nodded before walking up the stairs with me following. We walked down a long hallway before Liz pushed open a door revealing a large room.

There was a queen sized bed with the back pushed against the white wall in the middle of the room with a skylight right above it. Across from the bed was a normal sized dresser and there was a regular sized desk to the right of the doorway.

"I figured you could decorate the room anyway you wanted. The bathroom is across the hall two doors down and just make yourself at home." Liz said putting my bags at the bottom of my bed.

"Thanks." I mumbled walking into the room.

Once Liz left and shut to door behind her I took out my speaker and put my music on shuffle. As Bring Me The Horizon's Sleepwalking started blaring threw my speakers I picked up one of my bags and started unpacking.

I organized my dresser the same as I always have. Socks in one of the smaller drawers, underwear and bra's in another. I put my all my shirts into a bigger drawer and pants and shorts in another. Then I finally put all my sweatpants and baggy T-shirts into the bottom drawer. I threw my few pairs of shoes on the floor of my small closet and hung up the few dresses I have. I put my make up bag on the top of my dresser along with my small jewelry box which I'm surprised didn't break on they way here. I looked at the clock to see it was nearly 7:30 and decided to go down stairs and see when dinner was.

As soon as I opened my door I was hit with the smell of burgers. I followed my nose to the kitchen to see Liz putting a plate of burgers down in the counter.

"Perfect timing, I was just about to call you down." She smiled

"I smelt the food." I stated making her chuckle.

I took one of the cheeseburgers and put it in my plate before taking a seat at the table. I had slowly started nibbling at the large hunk of meet when liz started talking.

"Now, I know it's only your first night here but I'm afraid I will have to lay down some ground rules." She started and I just rolled my eyes and zoned out.

"Callie are you even listening to me?" Liz said slightly agitated.

"Nope." I stated making her angry. She scowled at me before she started talking again.

"Now listen here missy! I have been kind enough to let you stay at my house, I'm giving you a bed, a closet, a bathroom, not to mention food. I deserve some respect! Now when I was called asking if a foster girl who was just getting out of jail could stay with me I hesitated, I almost said no-"

"Then why didn't you!" I shouted cutting her off.

"Excuse me?" She asked taken back.

"Why didn't you say no? Huh? Or how about you just get rid of me, send me to a different house! Why don't you just do that? I'm only some worthless bitch! I'm only some criminal! So why do you want me here?!" I shouted at her getting up and running upstairs to my room. I grabbed my skateboard from its position leaning against the wall and my headphones before heading back downstairs and out the door. Ignoring Elizabeth's calls after me.

I skated down the road shoving my headphones in my ears and blasting Black Veil Brides Perfect Weapon. Not knowing where I was going I stopped at a liquor store and asked for directions to the nearest skate park before buying a bottle of Vodka and skating off down the road.

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