Chapter 2

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Germany's POV
The papers made a loud 'thump' as my boss slammed a huge stack on my work table.

"We've got a tricky one here. I've got multiple boys on the case, but nobody can catch this guy. I've got a feeling that you, newbie, can snag him!", my boss said. I nodded.

"What am I dealing with?".

"Good question, he's a wee one, 5"11 tops. He has recently stolen a very expensive painting from an art mueseum. He has auburn hair, medium length. Race: Italian. His age is-"

"Okay I get it. Just give me the location and I'll deal with him", I commanded impatiently.

"Right. His name is Feliciano Vargas. He goes to the public highschool in our area. He and his brother, Lovino, have stolen millions", my boss informed me.

I fingered through the tan portfolio and nodded. "I'll take care of it sir, the last thing he'll be stealing is my handcuffs".

"Great to hear Mr. Beilschmidt, I'll leave you to your work". And with that my boss spun on his heel and left.

I sighed and grabbed my glasses hanging from the collar of my shirt. Placing them on the bridge of my nose I decided to take a look at my future-captive's profile. Inside was a recent high school photo of him. Feliciano had a bright smile, and it was so big his eyes were closed. His appearance gave me a warm feeling. I shook my head and narrowed my eyes.

"He's a thief", I told myself, "don't let his looks fool you".

After scanning the paper with his location, I gathered the papers up in my arms and strolled out of my office.

Looks like I've got school tomorrow.

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ *le time skip

Italy's POV
I pridefully walked through the hallway in my expensive designer clothes. Apparently I pulled them off very well because I got lots of wishful looks from girls. Part of me said this was wrong, but the other said this life made me feel great, and I tend to lean towards the positive side.

When school hours were over I decided to head to my locker before leaving because I had left my textbook in there.  However, when I started up the stairs I could feel something watching me. I brushed it off until when I got to the top of the stairwell and saw a shadow. That confirmed it. I was being followed.

Breaking into a sprint, I weaved through different hallways until I found a bathroom and made my way into a stall. I locked the door and crouched on the toilet lid, hiding my feet from sight. My heart was beating super fast and I tried not to pant.

"Maybe I'm just imagining things. Maybe some random student has forgotten a book too", I thought, when suddenly a masculine voice shouted, "Where is he?! I need that boy, he is under arrest! I know that was him".

I held my breath. Another voice answered him. It sounded almost like one of my teachers.

"What boy? Who are you and what right do you have to just arrest one of my students?!"

"Ma'am, the name is Ludwig Beilschmidt. I'm a certified police officer. I am looking for Feliciano Vargas, he has been reported for major theft. Here's a photo of him."

There was a pause and then the teacher said, "Are you sure you have the right guy? I know Feliciano personally and he is a very sweet boy-"

"I need you to tell me where he is, bitte!"

"Well I haven't seen him but the only place to hide around here would be the bathr-"

And before she could finish her sentence I heard footsteps coming in my direction. They were heavy, as if the person the footsteps belonged too were wearing boots. I cringed and didn't take a single breath.

The officer slowly walked past each stall, peering through. Soon I could see his boots under my stall's door. He politely knocked and asked, "Enschuldigung, I am looking for Feliciano Vargas, are you him?".

I began trying to create an escape plan and smirked.

"No, I do think I saw him run past here though."

"When you are finished may I please confirm that you are not him?"

I winced. "Well... It's gonna be a while", I said.

"That's okay"

"Well, I'd like some privacy, could you please leave and I'll meet up with you later?", I tried saying.

"You have privacy, I'm not opening the stall door until you are done", he said. My stomach dropped. There was only one more thing I could do- run.

I silently got on the floor and army-crawled under the empty stalls. When I got to one I thought was far enough from the policeman I stood up and prepared to sprint away when something grabbed the back of my shirt and spun me around.

"You are Feliciano, are you not?", Ludwig inquired.

"Heh, no, I don't even know who that is", I lied, avoiding eye contact with the man.

"So this isn't you", the officer said showing me my school photo. I began to squirm.

"No now let me go!", I screamed. I jolted to try to escape his grip but it was too strong. During my fight for survival I made eye contact with Ludwig and stopped thrashing about. My stomach got a feeling other than terror that I couldn't tell what. Ludwig's grip loosened as he looked back at me. When I felt the fabric of my shirt loosen, though, I ran for my life. I actually managed to escape the cops yet again... For now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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