chapter 1

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It was my first day in highshool; freshman it is and the last thing i needed was people making fun of me. I decided to put on my pink t-shirt that looked really cute from my prospective . I got on sale and saved alot income.

"Hey brad there is nothing to be scared off just come down and have breakfast" my mother assured.

I am not scared just a bit nervous.My mom thinks i can't handle myself but boy she is wrong. I am more than capable but i have butterflies of nervousness in my stomach. Being in middle school is different from attending highschool. My brother Justin made sure i new all about highschool even before i was admited in one.

" The fuck on earth is that " my brother fell from the chair laughing hestyrically.Pointing an acussing fingure towards my shirt.

Glancing at my outfit i grinned i knew i looked dashing.

what's his problem anyway.

"what is something on my face?" i frowned

"Mom his not driving with me!Am off"

"Justin wait stop being dramatic and drive your brother to school and be kind enough to show him around"

"Dude no offense, but people will start to think you are gay with that pink shirt that has a bear on it. I honestly do not want my reputation to go down the drain"

"yeah honey you may wanna ahhhh....". "i get it alright if you don,t wanna drive me guess ill have to take the bus"."if thats what you want it's fine by me". Thats not the answer i was expecting by all means.

i can't believe my own mom won't even stop me .i had to take the stupid overcrowded school bus with everyone laughing at me and when i say everyone i mean everyone even the toothless old man who was apparently the driver.

it was already a long day for me with me even not starting the day.i don't get point of making a big deal of a simple shirt.we finally arrived and the big sign that said "iribium high"made me smile.

Here's the thing that happened when i entered the damn school ,people were talking and whispering atleast no one was laughing until some jerk got everybody attention by punching me right on the face.i sure din't see that coming it realy hurt.

"is this some kinda sick joke what was that for"? i asked finally standing up to the man that just hit me after rubbing my cheeck for ages well technically not that long.

"Oooops am sorry it was meant for the idiot that is behind you in pink on a second thought your the idiot. listen here kid no one wears such crap in my school" he said in angry voice.

"so is this a private school if not am guessing there is no rule against crap and if your the principal you should atleast get the deceny to stamp your face all over the school"i really think am out of words will someone atleast honour me by backing me up here.

i was startled by a shrieking woman's voice "you two in my office now"she really seemed prety angry .i was concentrating on this big guy that i didn't notice my surrounding people were crowded around us . i swear there is nothing that people value more than gossip.

i was taken to some office. i don't get it am the victim here does no one see. and the worst of all it's my first day in highschool it should me memorable the nothing memorable about this and all the yelling .Oh! lord what is this women screaming about i was the one that got punched after all.Man her voice is weird who talks like that?"i do" did i just say that loud i din't even hear my self

propably because my ears have gone numb .

"Alright am sorry i called your voice weird"it's not my fault if you ask me.

"not weirder than the shirt you wearing silly boy"she laughed.Oh my i couldn't help but use that word totally meant for the moment.Of course when she was done laughing she spit out something in the lines of detention "what?"i pratically screamed she was taken back by my words "yes detention for a month for causing such chaos."

i don't know what hurt more her thick russian accent or the shrieking and chaos is such a big word .

"i am not having any detention woman or should i call you madam" i slammed her desk

"because i have not even registered that means am not a student in this school and i am the victim here i got punched for my shirt if i stole the shirt it would 've being a thing".

"you seem to have anger managment issues any way this is not the guiding councilling office .it says right here p..r...i....

"i can read alright no need to spell it out "i cut her irritating voice off

"And as the principal i say if you register in this school start with the detention " with that she pratically pushed me out of her office.

The guy who hit me was sitting on the waiting couch in the waiting room weird there is such room in this hell of a school listening to some trash music, when he saw me he jumped out of the sit and pointing his finger at me

"your are dead you might as well as dig your own grave".he hissed

"My brother justin will defend me and just so you know he is your height which means he can take you"i really hope justin will help me out.

"Oooh so justin is your bro you look alike, the trushes you are. you brother is my natural enemy so get this .i will ruin your life so bad with your brother in it that you will wish your were girls instead so i could go easy on you"he said it with so much confidence and anger i could see it through his eyes

"looking forward to that"i just blurted out that because of all the fear in my pants and not let him feeling the pleasure of walking all over him i already got detention for probably nothing.i promised my self a change which i needed to work on.

MY LIFE IN HIGHSCHOOLWhere stories live. Discover now