Dolls Eyes: The End

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The End

Camilla Langley walked in to her daughter’s apartment. Her daughter hadn’t contacted her for the past few days, hadn’t shown up to work and had missed her date with David. Camilla was worried that Savannah had become ill, and was too weak to call, or get aid. She searched the apartment, leaving Savannah’s room for last, but found nothing. She entered Savannah’s room. Nothing. Camilla walked over to the side of the bed and saw her pajamas on the floor, as if she had been laying in them. Directly in front of the Lavender pjs was a magnificent porcelain doll that looked just like Savannah, with Chestnut brown hair and green eyes. There was a card in front of the doll. Dear Mom, I’ve gone on a last minute trip to China, see you in two weeks. Happy early birthday. Love, Savannah.

                Camilla, was too to mesmerized by the doll’s eyes to fret over the suspicious letter.

                She picked up the doll. How I’d love do dive into those eyes… Camilla thought.

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