You Snapped My Sisters Neck?!?!(Chapter Four)

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"Because you'll feel all the pain you caused those people?" I yawn. "No because then being a vampire won't be fun and being the new ripper will be less fun. And speaking of ripper let me out of here Stefan and we can relive your glory days."  

"Aria, you need help." He says as he walks away from me. "No I don't Stefan. I like the way I am. Now let me go and I will convince Klaus not to rip your heart for having your brother snapping my neck and kidnapping me." He gets closer to the door. "No Aria, you need some better reinforcements." He begins to open the door of the cell.  

I can smell her. No! 

"No, Stefan I don't want her to see me like this!" But it's too late, Molly walks into the room. "Aria..." I give her a smirk. "Hey Molls..." She walks closer to me but I snap at her. "Stay back! My bite is far more worse than my bark now." Her scent makes me start to growl. "Stefan get Molly out of here." He shakes his head. "No, Aria she wants to help you." I feel my anger spike. "GET HER OUT NOW OR I'LL KILL HER!" Stefan's stands in front of Molly. "You wouldn't-."  

"Yes I would, I'd feed her my blood and snap her neck, then I'll teach her everything about being a ripper." I feel my face change and I hear Molly gasp. "Let me out of here Stefan!!" I feel my strength and make one of my cuffs loose. Molly jumps back.

"Stefan I thought you said she was bolted down to the chair." I hear her whisper. "It's Iyana's essence. It's giving her strength to break out." He comes over to me and I feel a slight pinch in my neck. My body suddenly goes weak. "Dirty move Stefan, but what are you gonna do when the vervain leaves my system? Huh? Keep me locked in here for 150 years. Klaus is bound to come looking for me here. And when he does...oh your gonna regret it.

----//MOLLY'S POV//----

I walk out of the room as I see my sister slump back down in the chair. "She's..." Damon glares at her. "More of a deadly bitch. Oh we know. Now I'm glad I snapped her neck to get her here." My eyes widen at his comment. "You snapped my sisters neck?! Why?" I glare at him. "Your sister wasn't going to just walk out with us so I did what was needed." I step up to him. "You could have just vervained her and then just brought her back." He gives me a cool glare. "You're lucky I didn't fracture her spine. But if your sister pulls that little stunt again trust me I won't hesitate." I step back a bit as he walks off. I go to open the door again but Stefan stops me. "Molly what are you doing?"

"I'm going to have a talk with my sister." He moves in front of me. "No. Didn't you just see Aria almost broke her cuffs just to prove a point in killing you. You're not going in there." I sigh. "Stefan didn't you hear her warning. She wanted me out of the room. Meaning she still cares for my safety. I know call me stupid but I still think the old Aria is in there. Besides I'm only going to talk to her for a few minutes. She's doped up on vervain and if she still tries anything you and Caroline are here to stop her." Before he could respond I open the door of the cell and step inside.

My sister lifts her head and glares at me. "Get out Molly." I sit down in front of her but at a good distance. "No. I came here to talk to you." Her face vamps but she doesn't lunge at me. Good. "I...I missed you." Aria just cocks her head to the side and stays silent. "Mom misses you. She's on a business trip so I'm staying with Elena. She...she's a vampire now. But I'll tell you about that later. But Aria I just wanted to say we all have missed you."

Her face relaxes. "And your telling me this why?" I feel sadness in my heart. "Because your my big sister and I love you." She laughs at me. "Awe Molls love from a human is pathetic. But I can help you out with that. Let me out and I can turn you into a vampire. That way we can be together forever just like you want." She smiles at me as if she just offered me a million bucks. "No Aria." She growls at me and tries to lunge but she's still too weak.

"You think I'm gonna just be the old me and hug you and tell you everything's going to be all right like I use to Molly? Well guess what I'm dead and when you get it through your thick head that I'm never going to be alive again then maybe just maybe you can move on." I swallow the tears. She smirks at me. "Since I've become a vampire I don't have to worry about making sure your safe. And trust me I hated every minute of looking after you. You know your the reason I'm dead right?" I can't take this. "Stop it Aria."  

"No, you said you wanted to talk to me and I listened. Now it's my turn to talk so now you listen to me. So like I said if I didn't have you around maybe I would still be alive." The tears came. "No..stop it Aria." She gives me a blank stare. "I wish that I was an only child. I wish I never made that stupid promise when I was a little kid."

I remember her telling me about when she first saw me in my incubator as a baby she looked right at me and told me she would protect me forever and ever and that she would never leave me. "Aria..." I was wiping my tears away as I heard her laugh. "Just give up Molly. I never wanted to see your face. It's just a rude reminder of my death." She then goes silent.

I hear metal break and I'm slammed against the concrete wall. "I told you to get out while you still had the chance Molls." I feel her squeeze and I feel myself gasping for breath moments later. When I look up I see Stefan. He picks me up and I see over his shoulder Caroline snapping my sisters neck. I shut my eyes and cover my ears hearing it.  

"You see Molly that wasn't Aria talking." I give hima concerned look. "Who was that then?" He sighs. "That was the ripper."

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