"Oh my god did you hear?" I heard a girl say in a hushed tone next to my locker. "The prince might be coming over here to look for his mate."

"No way," Another girl says. "How long is he going to stay?"

"Probably for a week. I heard that he's already had visions of his mate. Rumor has it that she's about our age and has dark hair."

"You and I have dark hair!"

"I know! I hope he's my mate. He's like, so hot!"

"Me too!"

I felt like scrunching my face in disgust. I closed my locker and left, not bothering to listen anymore. I really could care less if the next Alpha King is coming over. As long as he stays clear of me, I'm fine. Plus, what are the chances of me being the next Queen of werewolves? Zero percent.

I don't know his name but from some pictures I've glanced at on the newspapers, he was pretty cute. But that was like a year ago since I've seen his face.

What I don't understand is why he's going here. This was a small city and not many people know of it. Even though we were next to Boston, our captial city, the neighboring pack there doesn't even know we exist. I doubt the king would find his mate in this school.

I'm not even obsessed with finding my mate like other girls.

"Hey," I hear Lily say. She was a pretty blonde with blue eyes. If she took off those horrid glasses and changed her clothes a bit, she would instantly be classified as a popular girl. But luckily, she doesn't like attention and likes to hang out with me.

"Hey," I greet and sent her a smile.

"I heard that the prince is coming next week."

"Is that so?" I say uninterested.

She nods, "I know this seems unlike me to bring up rumors but the visions the prince have been having is about a dark haired girl. Meaning, it could be you." She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

I rolled my eyes, "Why do you think that?

"Because you would be the perfect queen!"

"I doubt it."

She pouts at my denial and drops it. "Well I think that the prince will be here soon, probably today or tomorrow. He's going to start school on Monday."

It was Friday right now. "I don't care," I say raising my voice, earning some glances from other students. I sighed and lowered my voice a bit, "Can we talk about something else?"

"Somebody's moody today," I hear her mutter, not affected by my tone. I've used it on her before so I always felt bad about it. I still do feel bad. She got used to it I guess. "What's going on with you?"

"I'm just tired," I sighed.

"Maybe you should go out for a run," She suggests. "I'll tell the nurse that you are and then when you feel like coming back, you can check in with her. Your wolf probably wants to come out."

I nod, "I think I will. I haven't been on a run in a month now."

"Alright, go on out then."

"Thanks," I say gratefully with the thought of skipping a few classes. "Bye Lily."

"Bye Grace," She smiles and goes the other direction.

My wolf suddenly felt in joy hearing that I wanted to go for a run. I exit out of the parking lot and walked to the woods which was a couple of blocks away.

I was going to take a nap in the woods in my wolf form. I don't really run too much but I wanted my wolf to be happy. I took my clothes off and put them somewhere. Making sure nobody was watching me, I turned into my wolf. I was a black wolf and that was all I knew. I don't know what eye color I had because I usually don't shift into my wolf. Only Lily and the alpha has seen my wolf. Other people like my family, are totally clueless with who I was.

I wouldn't blame them for not knowing. I never tell anybody anything. I was mainly an introvert. I don't trust people so easily. Now, if my family knew that I didn't trust them, then they would probably be heart broken.

I found myself running through the woods now and looking for a suitable spot to nap and not get caught. Once I found one, I curled up and closed my eyes and fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes from my sleep, I found myself staring at a large, black wolf. His eyes were a golden color and he stared intently at me. I sniffed the air and immediately noticed that his scent filled with power. I don't know how I recognized it but I could tell he was Alpha.

I knew he wasn't Luke though. Luke was a brown colored wolf. So, was he an intruder?

By instinct, I found my wolf standing up quickly and growing. She took a step back. Growling at an alpha was a rude thing to do so you can easily get your throat ripped out. But what I noticed was that the wolf wasn't budging at all. He just stared. I believe he noticed me growling at him but didn't do anything.

Why though?

I continued growling and was about to make a run for it when the black wolf walked over to me and nuzzled my neck.

I felt electric sparks run through me and if I could, I would be gasping.


My inner wolf was howling in joy. If I started howling now, I would probably look like a weirdo.

He purrs softly and I stop growling. Instead, my stupid hormonal wolf purrs back and pressed my neck more into his snout. God, he smells good.

'Shift back love,' I heard him say through my mind.

I didn't respond. I couldn't. What if he thought my voice sounded funny?

'How about I shift back first?' He says. I backed away, pleased with the idea of seeing him first. He went behind a tree, which I was thankful for because I had no idea what I would do if I saw him naked, and then after a while, he comes out dressed in some shorts.

All I could say was that he was perfect. His hair was jet black like his fur and his golden eyes were now an amber color. He was fit; fit as in eight pack fit.

I then noticed something on the side of his neck. It was like a tattoo. I've seen it once before and his face looked so familiar. Oh god, please don't tell me it's him. I saw it on a magazine. It said the symbol represented royalty and power. It was the symbol of a red crown. It was small and it was on the spot I was supposed to mark him.

My mate was the next Alpha King.

I think he noticed my surprise because he lowly chuckled. God, that was so sexy. I just wanted to shift and let him mark me right here.

But no, something was stopping me. I knew I couldn't be with him. I can't rule a pack let alone become a queen of thousands of packs! What about my goals? What about college? I already have everything planned out. I can't just give up.

So, I did the only reasonable thing anyone could do when they don't know what to do.

I ran away from him.

The Next Alpha King (No longer updating 2021)Where stories live. Discover now