Chapter 7: Who's Your Crush?

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Gerard POV

 I walk to Blaze's place. I don't want to remember study hall. 

 But one question still remain in my head. Why did Blaze cut herself yesterday? I know I don't remember anything really. I was really drunk. 

 I sighed and shook me head. I knock on the door and Blaze opens up. 

 "Hey Gerard. Ready for science!" Blaze said running to her room.

 Well, she seems happy. Oh God, I hope no one gave her candy. 

 I closed the door and walked to her room. I don't run, unlike Blaze. Well, Blaze runs when she's on coffee or she ate candy. 

 Once to her room, she has her science book out. 

 "What took you so long, Geetard!" Blaze said. 

 "Did someone gave you candy?" I said setting my bag on the ground and get my science book. 

 "Nope," she said popping out the P. 

 "Why are you so hyper then?" I asked. 

 "What? I can't be happy?" Blaze said. 

 "No, you can. It's just, you're too hyper," I said. 

 "Deal with it," Blaze said. Sassy little girl. 

 "Whoa, don't need to be sassy, Blaze." I said with a smirk.

 "Oh shut up you sassy diva!" Blaze said. 

 "I'm not a sassy diva!" I protested.

 "Oh really," Blaze said. Oh I know what she's going to do! 

 "Your ass better not do that!" I called as I quickly back away from her. 

 "My ass is going to do that!" Blaze said. With that, I left the room and started to run around the house. 

 No way in hell am I going to let her stick her finger in my ear! I ran into a closet and closed the door. I have no idea why I hid there. But it was a good hiding spot. I think. 

 "Gerard come out here, you sassy diva!" Blaze called. 

 I stayed there in silence.

 "Fine then. Be like that." Blaze said and I heard her retreave to her room.

 After a second, I came out of the closet. The coast was clear. Or so I thought. Blaze had tackle me to the groud and pin me. Well, she sat on top of me.

 "Got you now!" Blaze said and put her finger in my ear. 

 "That's fucking nasty!" I sneered. 

 I grabbed her hand and pin her to the ground also. She tried to put up a fight. Tried. I now sat on top of her and grabbed her wrists. 

 "I win." I said. 

 "Fuck you, Gee," Blaze joked. 

 "I still fucking win, Blaze," I smirked. 

 "Fine. But please get off of me, you're hurting my wrist." Blaze said. 

 I got off and lay on the floor with her. Blaze rubbed both of her wrists. 



 "I don't remember what happen yesterday," I said.

 "You don't?" Blaze asked.

 "Nope, can you tell me what happen." I asked. I turn sideways to face her, Blaze followed me actions. 

 "I'll tell you. Yesterday, you came here drunk. I tried to teach you. I didn't know at first that you were drunk. Once I got near you, you reeked of alcohol. When I asked you why you drank, you ran away," Blaze whispered.

 I moved closer to her and put my hand on her cheek. 

 "I'm sorry Blaze. Like I said, I was upset." I said stroking her cheek. 

 "About what?" Blaze said. 

 I couldn't tell her about how much I lover her. She probably friendzone me. Plus, she's dating Hayley. 

 "I can't tell you, Blaze. I'm so sorry," I said and lie on my back. 

 "Fine," Blaze stated and lied on her back, too. 

 "Why did you cut yesterday? Actually, why do you cut at all?" I asked. 

 There was silence.

 "I... I cut because the bullying." Blaze said. I knew there was more to it. 


 "And what?" Blaze said.

 "There's gotta be more, I know there's more," I said.

 She sighed.

 "Love. I cut because I don't look like a person who anyone will love," Blaze whispered.

 "What. You're beautiful. What about Hayley-"

 "I broke up with Hayley," Blaze interrupted. 


 "I don't love her. I love someone else. She understood that. We're friends now," Blaze said.


  We lay there for a moment. It was peaceful. We were the only ones in the house.

 "I have a question," Blaze said.

 "Ask away," I reply.

 "Do you have a crush on someone?" Blaze asked. 

 I blink at the ceiling a few times before answering.

 "Yeah," I whisper. 

 "Who's the lucky lady?" Blaze asked.

 "I'm not going to say." I said. I can feel sweat coming.

 "Why not?"

 "Because I said so," I snapped.

 "Good one, you should consider on being a lawyer," Blaze said sarcastically. 

 "Can we please not talk about it. I just don't want to say, yet. Lets do science now." I said.

 "Fine." Blaze said. 

 Blaze keeps asking me who's my crush. I'm never going to tell her who it is. Well, I'm planning to tell her at prom. Yeah. Prom is nice.

 I take a deep breath.

 "Blaze? Can I ask you something?" I said when I reached her locker.

 "Yeah." Blaze said.

 "Will you go to prom with me?" I asked.

 "Yeah. I'll go to prom with you," Blaze said with a smile. 

 "Really," I rejoiced.

 "Yep," she said with a smile.

 "I'll pick you up around seven then." I said. 

 "Sure." Blaze said and we both hugged. 

 One step closet to saying how much I love her!


Wow the story is coming to an end! Thank you so far for the ones who stick with this bad story. 

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