i immediately started running as fast as my legs would allow, long brown hair covering my face but i didn't care; I just wanted to get home as fast as i could.

I ran up the stairs and opened the front door; ran to the living room. there i saw my Dad sitting on the couch with his elbows resting on his knees and his face cupped in his hands.

I heard crying and sobbing, when Dad finally realized i was there, he looked up at me with a tear stained face and puffy eyes.

"Dad... what happened?" i asked unwilling to know the truth, he tried to steady his breathing and racing heartbeat, but failed.

"Your mother, she left last night and got into an accident... she slammed into a truck, sh-she was...instantly...k-killed" he said between his sobs.

I felt my knees buckle beneath me, i fell to the floor and cried even more than last night. The last memory of my mother was an argument that i will never forget.

I shot awake, breathing heavily and sweating. i got up and walked to the bathroom, but first checking my phone for the date 26th May... i sighed.

No wonder i had that flashback, today is the day... mum never returned home, i thought. I looked in the mirror expecting to see the same thing when i have that flashback, and sure enough my face was tear stained. i looked like a zombie.

I walked downstairs, ever since Mum died, i replay her and Dad's argument every time i walk down these stairs. It's not on purpose it just...happens.

I arrived in the kitchen; my destination of choice, opened the pantry and grabbed the bread and Nutella. I made a sandwich, sat down started eating. I heard foot steps coming down the stairs and i knew it was my Dad.

"Hey, Lucy" Dad said cheerfully, i continued to eat my breakfast, not talking or looking up at him. He sighed grabbed his own breakfast and sat down across from me.

"You know i haven't forgotten about today" he said his dark green eyes trying to penetrate my fiery ones, i continued to stay silent. "i have arranged for you to go to a Doctor, you aren't yourself."

My head snapped up towards my father, "i'm fine, i don't need to see a Doctor" i said bluntly, i will admit ever since mum died i hadn't been myself, but i was FINE  now.

"Lucy, you never smile or laugh, your always sad, its worrying me." i sighed this time, he always does this, its getting annoying.

"Fine," i gave up, only because i didn't have time to argue about a stupid Doctor, i have to get to school.

Later at School:

"Hey Lucy, how are you doing" Casey, my friend asked, she was a kind soul. she had red hair that went down to her shoulders, pale skin and hazel eyes.

"Yeah i'm fine,"?i said without emotion, for years now, my friends have been trying to tell me that i have depression and that it was caused by my mother dying.

"Lu, you should see someone about this. Just please don't shut us out" Finn, one of my best friends in the whole world pleaded.

he had short, messy black hair, tan skin and really dark brown eyes. I stared him in the face,

"you can try all you like but i'm not seeing anyone...well not with my own will." i said and both friends were confused, i didn't answer the last comment Finn made because...it was probably true.

"Just promise you won't do anything to yourself." Casey begged me, i was sick of people pleading and begging.

Turning towards her i whispered without a thought, "i can't."

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