Chapter 8: I Want U Bad

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I woke up to the smell of bacon wafting into my room. Rocky ran around the house bashing a frying pan and a spoon against each other announcing that breakfast was ready. I rubbed my eyes and slowly sat up, pulling my hair into a messy bun. I walked into the kitchen to see everyone sitting in their usual spots, with an extra chair in between me and Rocky. "Who's that for?" I asked, pointing to the chair. "Your friend. Remember?" "Oh yeah!" I laughed. "I'll go get her." "I wanna come!" Riker shouted as he raced to catch up to me. We walked down the hallway, but I stopped just before Jordan's door. "Wait!" I ran out of the hall and came back with a frying pan and a spoon. "Ready!" I whispered. Riker laughed and opened the door. I walked to Jordan's side, nearing the frying pan near her ear. "1.." Riker counted, "2..3..!" I bashed the two objects together as hard as I could, emitting a loud noise that made even Riker cover his ears. As Jordan shot up in her sleep, Riker and I bust out with ridiculously loud laugh, and I fell onto his chest. "What the heck?!" Jordan screeched. "Get up, sleepy head!" Riker yelled while trying to hold back his loud laugh. Jordan blushed and hid under the covers. "Really, Miranda? I don't even look good!" "Oh, come on, Squirt. You're family now! Come on!" I pulled her hand and we ran into the kitchen. "Guess who I got?!" I practically threw her into her seat as Riker served us our food. "Oh, Riker!" I said. "Hm?" He turned to me. "Give Jordan one piece of bacon and two eggs. And no orange juice. She hates tangy stuff." Jordan gave me a proud smile and nodded.
After breakfast, Ross offered to take us all to an animal shelter for Rydel's upcoming birthday. (Happy 1 day late birthday to Rydel btw!) Jordan squealed, having always had a love for animals. "Thanks, Ross! You're the best brother ever!" Rydel hugged him around the waist.
As we got to the animal shelter, Rydel immediately grabbed Ratliff's hand and ran inside the building. We followed, turning to the right, following Rydel. She immediately ran to the Kitten Room. She walked in, a huge smile on her face. "Aw, look at that one! Look, Miranda, it's sleeping! THIS ONE'S NAMED LYRIC!! Look, it's orange!!" We were all extremely happy just seeing her smile. I walked over to Jordan, who was sticking her finger inside the cage of a small white kitten. "Hey. Aww, this ones cute!" I exclaimed. Jordan smiled and nodded. "Ratliff, this one bit me!" Rydel whined. "Gotta go, Squirt." I walked over to Rydel, who was holding her finger wrapped in her hand. Ratliff ran over, imitating a superhero. "What's the matter, honey?" He said with a deep Superman voice. "It bit me." She sniffed. "I'll make it better." He said before taking her finger and kissing it. I laughed as she kissed Ratliff on the cheek. "Come on, guys! We're going to the puppies!" Ryland yelled. I squealed. Puppies were my favorite.
I walked alongside Riker, pointing at all the cute little puppies. "Look! They're playing!" As I was watching the puppies, I noticed Riker looking at me, a slight smirk on his face. I met his eyes. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." He shook his head. I returned to watching the puppies. Jordan walked over to me and asked to talk to me in private.
"Okay, are you dating anyone? Out of the group, I mean?" I shook my head. "No, why?" "So you aren't interested in any of them?" She asked. "I didn't say that.." I whispered. "But, what do you think of Rocky?" "Rocky? He's a cool half brother." "Kay thanks," she said before rushing back to the group. I smirked. Squirt's all grown up.

As I get home from the pet store, I rush up to my room, tripping over the stairs. I fix myself up, open the door a crack and call out. "Hey, Miranda, can you come here for a sec?" She shouts a faint yes and I smile widely. I get in position, straightening my T-shirt. She knocks faintly on the door and opens it. Miranda gasps softly, seeing my gesture. I'm standing in the middle of my room, in my nervous hands a bouquet of roses I bought just a few hours ago. "M-Miranda," I stammer. "I've, uh, really liked you for a long, um, time now." I look at my shoes shyly, my face flushed. "And I, um, really wanted to show you." I slowly walk forwards, knees wobbly. I stop in front of her and her beautiful green gaze meets mine. I take one of her hands, gather up all of my courage, and lean forward.

As Riker grabs my hand, I feel a strong sensation of something I've never felt before. He starts to lean in, and I don't have time to think about what's ahead of me. Our eyes close, and soon our lips converge.
A chill is sent up my back as tendrils of fire explode inside my body, releasing all of my negative energy and consuming all of Riker's passion into this one kiss. In this kiss, I feel how gentle he is, how much he means all of this, and I finally realize how much I really want him.
He pulls away, slowly opening his eyes. "Miranda," he whispers, dropping the roses and taking my other hand. "Will you let me do something I've always wanted to do since the day I laid eyes on you," his eyes twinkle in the dim light. "And let me call you my girlfriend?"

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