Untrusted Love - Chapter 19

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Allie watched Nick. He looked like he was about to say something. Anything. But he didn't. His mouth stayed shut. He looked away but kept looking back at Allie with anger in his eyes but a confused face. She finally looked back at Mark. He was watching Nick's back as he walked away.

"Do you have first or second lunch?" He asked her, not even considering Nick's existence.


"Damn. I have 2nd." He sounded disappointed.

"Oh, that sucks." She laughed in her head.

When the lunch bell finally rung Allie looked back at Mark, "That's me. I'll see you later." She started to walk away. Mark stopped her though and pushed her up against the locker, obviously trying to be romantic and passionate.

He put his lips on her roughly, forcing his tongue into her mouth. It took all her might to keep from gaging as he sucked on her tongue. He pulled away, giving one last, slobbery, kiss on the side of her mouth. She backed away from him a little and looked at the ground, embarrassed. He put his hand on her face and made her look at him.

"Go on now." He demanded.

She shut her locker and started walking away slowly, wiping her lips dry. She looked back and saw that he was checking her out.

She walked faster, realising that all of this was a big mistake.

At Megan's locker Nick kept looking up the hallway to try to see Allie just to make sure she was okay. He told that to himself. He couldn't help it. His eyes had a mind of their own. Megan was fixing her hair. She had a mirror tapped to the inside of her locker door.

"Nickie," She whined.

He looked at her, bored.

"Are you listening to a thing I'm saying?"

"I'm sorry. I spaced out. What were you saying?"

"Are you serious? You were ignoring me again!" She raised her voice.

"No I wasn't. And when have I ever ignored you?"

"You've been doing it a lot lately, actually. It's really starting to annoy me so stop."

He looked away rolling his eyes. He wasn't even going to try and argue back. Deep down, it wasn't really worth it to make himself look good around Megan.

He tightened his fists when he saw Mark walk around the corner. He stood up straight and watched as he walked by. Nick wanted to confront him for even standing near Allie. He had no right to even look at her.

When Mark was out of view, Nick relaxed again, making his pulse slow down. But then, Megan had to speak.

"Walk me to my next class, Nick." She forced him.

"I can't. I have to get to lunch."

"Nick!" She started yelling.

He backed away from her a little bit, watching her eyes widen as if she were a crazy old lady who just found out that one of her twenty cats was getting taken away.

"You are going to walk me to my next class. You've been ignoring me so I think you owe me that much!" She hit his chest.

"Okay that's it Megan." He stood up taller, dominating, to show this his annoyance was greater than hers. "I was going to wait until the end of the day but I don't think I can take another second of your shit." He yelled back. No regrets.

"What's that supposed to mean!" She yelled, receiving looks from two girls walking by.

"It means," He stopped and thought about Allie.

"Well?" Megan yelled.

"It means that...that.."

Why couldn't he just say it? 'I hate you and you're a bitch. I don't want to be with you anymore!' Why couldn't he just yell that at her face?

"Nick, is there something you want to tell me?" She obviously went back to dominating theargument.

Nick looked at her in a very weird way. He was unsure about it now. What did he want?

"Nick!" She stepped closer to him.

"I'm sorry." He lied, mentally slamming his head up against the locker for apologising to her.

"Walk me to my next class before I'm late, Nickie." She dropped the argument.

She grabbed his hand and dragged him to her next class. When they both got there she stopped outside the door then pushed Nick up against the wall and kissed him. She brushed her hand over his crotch then went into class.

Nick rolled his eyes at her again then quickly walked out of that hallway to the next. He turned the corner and ran into Mark.

"Watch where you're going, ya little shit!" Mark yelled.

"You watch where you're going!" Nick yelled back, pushing him.

Adam walked around the corner and saw that Nick was about to kick some ass. He rushed over and pulled him away from Mark.

"What are you doing?" Nick yelled, pulling away from Adam's grip.

Mark laughed as Adam drug Nick down the hall.

"Let go of me!" Nick yelled.

"You can't get suspended." Adam released him.

"I don't care if I do or not."

"Football is gonna be starting soon and if you get suspended one time you won't get to play."


"So?" Adam was getting angry, "You wanted to be captain."

"I don't care anymore. It doesn't matter now."

"Doesn't matter? Who was the one who told me to never say that? You. I look up to you. Everyone on the team looks up to you anyway so don't screw this up because of something stupid." He nudged Nick in the chest then walked away.

Nick shrugged Adam's words away for the time being. He could worry about that later. All he was trying to do for the past 15 minutes was to go outside to see if Allie would show up to talk to him.

He quickly made his way down the hall then threw the crowd of people. He couldn't let anyone else stop him. Everything was turning into an obstacle and he didn't like it one bit. He pushed his way out of the doors and looked around to see if he saw her any where.

'What was taking him so long?' Allie thought. She was sitting at a picnic table under the tree waiting now for over 15 minutes.

Nick was running down the side walk as fast as he could to get to the tree.

Allie started to stand up, looked around once more, then started walking away.


She turned around and saw Nick rushing down the sidewalk towards her. She stopped walking and waited for him.

"You came." Nick smiled when he reached her.

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