Untrusted Love - Chapter 18

Start from the beginning

"Allie," Lily said while getting out of the car too. "What are you going to tell Mark?"

"I'm not sure yet." She lied.

"But you told him that you'd give him an answer today. You don't have an answer. What are you going to do?" Lily panicked.

"Lily! Calm down. I'll come up with something. Don't worry, okay. Calm yourself."

Tiffany and Katie laughed, then they all started walking towards the school side by side.

Allie could feel eyes glaring over to there direction once the four of them walked through the main doors. Just because someone walked in, everyone had to look and see who it was. It made her very uncomfortable.

She looked around hoping she wouldn't see Mark. She wouldn't mind of she saw Nick. She wouldn't mind at all. As long as he didn't talk to her.

"I think we have to go to the office to get our locker numbers, guys." Lily suggested.

The four agreed and made their way to the office. On the way Allie got a glimpse of Mark. He was talking to a girl. She had long, red, curly hair and she was very slim. Mark was oblivious to Allie though. She rushed the four of them to the office just in he decided to look up to see her.

None of their lockers were beside each other. Allie's locker was downstairs, but Lily's, Tiffany's, and Katie's lockers were upstairs but separated.

"This sucks." Tiffany complained, looking at the piece of paper in her hands.

"I know. Our senior year is going down hill already." Katie added.

"I'm going to go find my locker." Allie said while walking down the hall. It wasn't that bad, she thought. It was just lockers. They would still see each other. They had classes they could be in together and even lunch.

The others agreed and went to their lockers also.

Allie walked down the hall looking at each locker on both sides of the hall.

Looking for the locker #148. She was walking by numbers 125, 127, and 129 when a familiar voice came up from behind her.

"Having trouble?"

She looked around. There stood Nick.

Allie's heart raced. She felt her face become hotter. Instead of giving in to the smile that wanted to so badly wash over her face, she rolled her eyes and kept walking on to find her locker.

"Allie?" He followed behind her.

She ignored him.

"Look at me." He said.

Allie looked at the locker numbers again. She was getting closer to hers. Nick followed her the whole way until she reached it.

"Can I give you something?" He asked.

She looked at him like he was weird for asking a question like that. She started to open her locker when he started searching for something in his pocket.

"Just don't smack me or anything." He stepped back a little and grabbed her hand toput a piece of folded up paper in it then turned to walk away.

She watched him disappear around the corner then started to unfolded the piece of paper.

                   Dear Allie,

                   I know that you hate me now more than ever and I know you think it's my fault. We''ll it kind of is, because I went out with Megan and that didn't help us at all. To be honest, I'm thinking about breaking up with her. I used to like her and I don't know why I ever did at this point. I can't stop thinking about you. I sounds bad but I've tried so hard to get you out of my head. So I figure maybe you belong there, but the problem is I don't have you in my heart anymore. Not the way that I want. Meet me outside by the tree during 1st lunch. I'll understand if you don't show up.

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