12th Dare: Steven

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"What?" Steven frowned at his phone, reading over the dare once more. "This... Makes no sense..."
"What doesn't make any sense?" Pearl asked, pulling her leather jacket on.
"I have to call Connie over ...and kiss her..." A small blush spread across his face. "And then I have to say something really weird... At least it doesn't say where I have to kiss her..."
"Well, when people ask for stuff like that, they just assume that you're going just go full out with it." Lapis giggled, taking a sip of Peridot's Mt Dew.
"Don't touch my things." Peridot muttered from beside her, her eyes tracking everything on the game screen.

"Oh, hush."

Steven frowned, somewhat confused. "Full...out?"
The blue gem chuckled, shaking her head. "Like this,"
Lapis grabbed ahold of Peridot's head suddenly, crashing her lips against the other's forcefully.
The green gem's eyes widened at the abrupt action, trying to pull back from the blue gem... To no avail.
Peridot struggled to escape the other with series of muffled protests.
Steven blushed, chuckling as her dialed Connie's number.


"Hey Steven you said you needed me for a dare?" Connie asked, walking in. "What's the - ... Is that Peridot... And Lapis... Kissing?"
"Yea." Steven shrugged, walking over to her. "Lapis has been trying to get her to kiss back for about and hour and a half now. Peridot gave up on escaping her about an hour ago."
"That's... Very ambitious of Lapis..." Connie commented after a moment. "Anyway, what's the dare?"
"Oh, uh, this." Steven leaned over, kissing her on the cheek.


"BANANAS ARE JUST POTATOES IN DISGUISE. HUMANITY IS DOOMED." Steven exclaimed, flipping the nearest table.



So... If gems don't need to breathe... They could keep kissing forever and ever and ever and ever and-- you get the idea.

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