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green was the colour of annoyed looks and angry eye rolls.

it was the colour in harrys head and heart when louis left for his time with her. green was the feeling bubbling in his stomach and rising into his chest until he wanted to scream.

green was logging out of twitter so he didn't have to see the posts about him and her. green was going out with his other friends who knew not to mention louis on nights like this.

green was the colour of the bottle he drank from on some of the worst nights.

for louis green was reading magazines and newspapers. green was seeing the stories they wrote about his boy. green was the way harry was portrayed.

green was tearing up and burning the worst of the magazines. it was scribbling out faces of potentially lovely women dragged into the mess they never intended to cause.

green was nights with zayn and liam playing video games and smoking because he didn't know what else to do. green was knowing that harry felt the same and there was nothing to be said.

green swept through both of them like a ground shattering earthquake. green was the angry passion between them. it was marking and possessing and making sure they knew who one another belonged to.

green was whispers of 'mine' against tanned stomachs and milky thighs. green was kissing and loving for as long as they could.

green was endless streams of 'i love yous' and endless noises of agreements.

green was what spurred unhealthy passions.

green was harry when he couldn't have louis.

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