Co-Worker, College-mate, Student

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Let me tell you. Rocs job... Idk. Its a real job out there of course but in this fiction it may have nothing to do with the real thing, I mean it is fiction. Just go with the flow :)

We have the cast:

Princetons girl-  Nandi 

Prodigys girl gym student-  Melody

Rocs co worker-  Melissa

Rays college mate-  Amethysts

They're just secret affairs.😉 

AND they all have a best friend.. Just look in the cast box. Messages have been sent out though!

Chapter 1

~Co-Worker, CollegeMate, Student~

Its Night and the crickets are chriping?... 


"Yea, anyway. I better get outta here now. It's already late" i stepped back to let Melissa off my car.

"Ok. I had fun" she gave me a big bright smile

"Me too. I'll see you in the morning at work"

"Um" she leaned back on the car and crossed her arms smiling still


"I dont get good bye kisses anymore?"

"No" I teased

"Roc" she pulled me by my shirt to her

"Yes ma?"

"I want a kiss"

"iight. I was just messing with ya" I grabbed her waist pulling her extremely close. We shared the most longest, yet roughest kiss. 

"Happy now?"

"Yep! Thank you. You better get home to that wife of yours" she smirked

"Ugh! Its not like I really want to. I love her but damn. Your body is even sexier than hers!" i scanned it with my eyes. HUGE distraction 

"Ha. Well call me when you need me"

"Im coming to your office tomorrow. Boss said he has work for us"

"Ok. But look at me.. We can't try anything while we're in there alone"

"I know"

"Im serious. I can't afford to loose my job"

I scanned her body again. "I'll try"

"Ok. See ya in the am"

"iight. Stay sexy" i wink

She smiled and she went to her car while I hoped in mine, making sure I had no lipstick on my face.

Theres one person that knows my secret and thats my bro Ray. 

After my 15 minute drive home, I got out and greeted my wife, Brooklyn, in the kitchen. 

"Im home baby" i hugged her from behind as long as she'd let me. 

"I see.." she smiled turning to face me "How was your day?"

"It was great. How was yours?"

"It was ok"

Secret Affairs! ~Roc Love,Hate Story!~Where stories live. Discover now