Cheat On Me, I'll Hurt You 10x's Worst

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I looked at Rocs boss then the look on Rocs face. Right now, I don't give a fuck about his job. He can loose it AND me for all I care. 

My glare went back to the bitch sitting at his desk. From my understanding, No one else was suppose to be in his office but him!

She smirked at me and just then, I made my mind up that as soon as I'am released from this wall Im whopping her ass! 

Roc's boss was in shock and told him to come with him. 

"I don't think its a good idea to leave these two here" he says. 

I can see it in his eyes that hes angry. 

"Melissa! You're not suppose to be in here!" he snaps at here

"I was just helping with a few papers sir.  I'll leave"

"Roc! Come" he stood there waiting on him.

Melissa smiled and walked out the door. 

"Baby, please stay here! I'll explain everything later! Just...... Please!" Roc pleaded

I just crossed my arms as he walked out the door. 

"Ma'am" his boss got my attention


"Please stay here. Your husbands job is a little at risk"

"What ever..." i had no emotions in my voice. 

He closes the door. 

Now time for me to go find her! His job might be at risk, but hes not gonna hurt me and I not hurt him badly! Which in this case is loosing his job. 


I walked into my bosses office and sat down "Sir, I can explain every thing!"

He sat down and glared at me. I know he's upset. "You know you're one of my best workers right?"

"Yes sir and I---"

"And I'd hate to loose you, just to prevent my offices from being destroyed by your wife...." he cut me off

"But can I explain?"

"Heres the time to do it"

"Melissa and My wife have some issues right now so my wife gets this bright idea to come here trying to fight. Me?? I was just trying to stop it"

"And they have these issues why?" 

I couldn't come up with anything good so I just spat out something! "She thinks Im cheating on her" 

He rose his eye brawl "With.......... Melissa?"

"Yes sir"

"You aren't.. Are you?" 

"No, never"

He just looked at me like he could tell I was lying! Kinda like my dad. 

"You are aware you HAVE to be fired, right then and there, if I see you having any relations with one of my other works right? Male or female... It doesn't matter"

"Im not gay! But yes I'am aware"

"I need a explanation of why Melissa was in your office"

"She was helping me with a few papers" 

"What papers?"

He asked so much damn questions! "Um, some from Friday"

"mhm" he was still looking at me. "You can do papers on the computer now?"

Secret Affairs! ~Roc Love,Hate Story!~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat