Chapter 1

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Hi guys this is my first ever fanfiction so I'm sorry if its a bit rubbish... i hope you enjoy it though! :) Try and imagine yourself as Emilia if you are a fan of Troye Sivan. ;)

Love Amber x

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My names Emilia and this is about the time all my dreams came true.

I sit on my mac-book watching Troye Sivan's new video for the 50th time, when I hear a knock at my door, It takes all my energy to pause the video and take my eyes off him to go and answer it. It turns out to be my best friend, Lily, we sit and gossip about our favorite you tubers -Troye Sivan, Alfie Deyes, Marcus Butler, Sam Pepper, Zoe Sugg, Jack and Finn Harries, Dan Howell, Phil Lester and Joe Sugg- we could of sat for hours but it soon became 8:30am so we had to set off for school. Me and my friends, Clove, Molly, and Lily, are classed as "unpopular" at our school, because our faces are not the colour of wotsitz, and because our eyelashes don't stick 15cm out of our faces.

After a boring day of school I got home to see my Mum, Dad, Sister -Leah- and brother -Micheal- They sat me down on the sofa and then told me we where moving. I broke down and asked where they said a town in Australia called Perth, I instantly became really happy again because that is exactly where Troye Sivan lives. I rang up Lily to tell her and she was quite upset but happy for me anyway.

A week pasted and it was finally time to move. Most of my things had been taken there though out the week. After a long and tiresome journey we finally arrived at our new house, I quickly ran upstairs and got first choice on the rooms, I choose the room with a amazing view.

While my mum and dad where finishing off packing I decided to watch one of Marcus Butlers new you tube videos, and just after he had said helllloooooooooo in the usual tone of voice the doorbell rang, I groaned and got up to answer the door. I opened the door and looked up to see Troye Sivan and his family stood in my door way.

Dreams come true. (A Troye Sivan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now