The Sleepover ✨

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{Kylie POV}
So by the time I get home and do a quick touch up of my room (because I'm a neat freak so my room was pretty much already clean), I hear my mom calling me to come to the door.

Mom: Ky, Amber is here
Amber: Hey Mrs.Cassidy, thank you for letting me come and spend the night
Mom: You're welcome sweetie, come anytime. Maybe some of your manners will run off on that daughter of mine... KY!!!

I wake up hearing my name being called. Half sleep I look at my surroundings and I see and remind my self that in was cleaning my room cuz Amber was gonna be over. I realized that I still had some clothes on the floor so I ran and grabbed them and put them in the dirty clothes hamper. And before leaving my room, I do a quick look of my room and head towards the door.
Me: Hey Amber
Amber: Wassup H (gco)
I give her a look that says" You bettah watch what you say cuz my mom is literally right there" 😑😒
Amber: I mean... Uh Hey Ky
Me: Come on back to my room
So she grabs her duffel bag and follows me back to my room. Once we get there, I grab her bag and put it on the side of the bed she would be sleeping on. Then, I hook my phone up to my teal and white beats pill. Less than two seconds later, "All Eyes on You" by Meek Mill, Nicki Minaj, and Chris Brown plays. I make sure it's loud enough so my Mom wouldn't hear our conversation.
Me: Yo dumb ass should be glad my mom didn't catch onto what you were about to say
Amber: Yea, my fault 😪
Me: Nah, it's Aiight
I see Amber look at my room walls which consists of Les Twins, Beyoncé, Chris Brown, Drake, Nicki Minaj (and etc) posters everywhere.
Amber: Your posters are tight
Me: Thx
Me: Now let's get down to business... We need to make a plan or strategy for when the Les Twins come to town.
Amber: Really Nigga 😒
Me: What?
Amber: A strategy? Fo'real?
Me: Yup
Amber: Sometimes I don't know about you 😒😪
Me: Whatever... ANYWAYSSSS
Me: They're coming exactly 2 weeks from today (Wednesday)
Amber: So we have some time 😁, we don't have to "strategize" now, let's just chill & dance, then we could go shopping on Saturday... Kay?
Me: Kay 😁


Sorry it took so long for me to update, but it's here. It's not my best, but I just wanna speed it up so we can get to the good parts. (Amber is in the MM)
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Much Love 💕😁
~ Royalty 💕💫

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