The New Seeker

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Warning the begin going of chapter is slow. Please stick with me

Harry's POV

The next day at breakfast Harry ate eggs toast and all sorts of breakfast meats. He ate like he was never going to eat again. Neville across the table just got a ball thing from someone.
"Its a rememberle." Said Seamus one of the boys Harry and Ron share a dorm room with. Hermione came and sat next to Harry looking confused.

"I was in the library-" Hermione started before Ron interrupted her.

"You are already in the library. We haven't even had our first class yet." Said Ron looking more confused the Hermione did.

"So, back to what I was saying I over heard a fourth year talking about you Harry. He was saying how you look just like that Hattie girl. I looked up your family tree and she wasn't there. So I looked up her family tree, it said she wasn't a person."

"Maybe it was just the website I know she is a person." Said Ron

"Well duh Ron." Hermione said rolling her eyes. Just at that moment Hattie walked over.

"Hey guys, what's your first class?" Asked Hattie

"Um herbology." Said Harry.

"Same, Lavender and Parviti do to." She said and walked away.

After class Harry, Harmione, and Ron asked professor Sprout where hagrid was and went to Hagrids hut right out side the forbidden forest. And knocked on the door.

Hagrid opened the door. " Oh 'ello harry. 'ho is this?" Asked Hagrid looking at Hermione and Ron.

"Hermione Granger. This is Ronald Weasley" Said Hermione.

"Well 'ello then. Come in." Said Hagrid. The three of them walked in looking around his hut. In a large chair sat a dog. "That's fang 'e won' hurt ye. So why'd ye come and see me Harry?"

"We where wondering if you knew anything about Hattie Potter?"

"I knew ye would be askin me bout her." Harry looked at Hagrid for more information knowing that he knew something. "I believe ye should talk to dumbledoor bout this." (Sorry my Hagrids talking isn't the same as in the book but I'm trying.)

"But Hagrid?" Harry complained.

"Shouldn't of said anything." Muttering more to himself then to the three. "Well best be leaving."

They left. "Hagrid knows something and he won't tell us. He knows this is going to drive us crazy. Let's go find Dumbledoor." Harry said. After searching for what felt like forever their free period was over. They went outside and started their broom lesson.

"Okay class, i am professor Hooch. We are doing the basics today. So first put your hand over your broom and firmly say up." Said Hooch. There WS a chorus of ups. On Harry's first try his broom flew straight into his hand. Ron's flew up and hit him in the face and went back to the ground. Hermione's wavered on the growing and finally came up to her hand around the seventh try. Soon after everyone had there brooms in there hands.

"Okay swing your leg over the broom and mount it." Says Hooch. Everyone does as they are told. Neville's broom lifts off the ground and swings him around. "Longbottom. Come down now. longbottom." Says Hooch. He fly's higher yelling as he is almost flung off his broom. When he really he'd at least twenty feet he drooped off his broom and hit the ground hard moaning.

Hooch hurries over to him " ooh ooh broken wrist. I'm taking him to the hospital no one leaves the ground or detention." She says. She walks away with Neville.

"No one leaves the ground or detention." Malfoy mimicks professor Hooch.

"Really are you that immature." Says Hermione rolling her eyes. Malfoy takes off from the ground grabbing Neville's rememball and sores into the sky.

"Let's see if I can hide this where be won't find it. The roof? Come after me if you dare Potter." Calls Malfoy to all the people on the ground.

Harry mounted his broom and flew after Malfoy. He was about to get the ball from Malfoy when he threw it. "Catch it Potter." The ball went flyind toward the ground at high speed, and so did Harry. Harry caught the ball and pulled up on his broom. Professor McGonagall saw this and came running out of the castle toward Harry and the other first years.
Harry got to the ground and dismounted his broom. The first years were cheering for him, clapping, and giving him height fives except for the first years of course.

"POTTER!! Come here" Called McGonagall. Every one went silent. Harry walked over to her with his head down. "Come." Harry followed her to the dark arts class room.

"Can I barrow Wood?" Asked McGonagall

"Oh yeah of course." Said the dark arts professor. Wood walked out.

"I found your new seeker." Said McGonagall.

Hey guys hope you liked the chapter

Um I was wondering if you think I should still have the sourcerors stone still in it or make something else with Voldimort.

Well until next time...

- Julia

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