My Jordan • Kiani

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- Will -

Today's the day.

Everything will change.

The day I finally confess.

The day I tell him.

I love him.

Ever since my eyes met with his beautiful green ones, I fell for him. His chestnut hair is beyond perfect. His smile makes me loose my shit. His laugh is what keeps me alive. His voice is what calms me down, what makes me feel safe.

Jordan was flying to London for Minecon, and he's staying at my place. When he arrives later today, I'm going to confess.

I arrived at the airport, and wait to see the skinny boy I love to death. As more people reunite, I start to worry. What if his plane crashed? What if he missed his flight?

I text him.

-Jordan, where are you? I'm here waiting for you at the arrival gate-

No response.
Ten minutes pass.

Nothing. Jordan was no where to be seen.

He hasn't tweeted in hours. He still hasn't respond to my text.

Jordan was the only thing I could think of. I need to see him again. I need to see my Jordan again. My chestnut haired, green eyed, skinny, tattoo sleeved, Jordan. I wasn't leaving this building until I had his hand holding mine.

-| = | -

Hours have pasted, sitting in a chair, waiting for my Jordan to come from the arrival gate.

I wasn't loosing hope.

I've been here all day, waiting for him. Where was he? Maybe I should go in the baggage claim area, to see if his luggage is there. As long as I see that, I'll feel better.

I get up from my seat, and slowly walk to the baggage claim. So what I wasn't allowed in there? I'll just fake it and say I forgot something.

To my surprise, there were no security guards guarding the door, so I ran in. My eyes scan the room, looking for the boy of my dreams.

I see a boy in the corner of the room, curled up in a ball, with tears sliding down his cheek. I walk to him, and he looks up.

The boy curled into a ball, crying, is my Jordan.

I hug him, as he cries on my shoulder.

"Jordan, what's wrong?" I ask

" wouldn't understand"

"I will. I'm your best friend, please tell me"

"I love you Will. Not friend love, real love. The fuzzy feeling inside your heart when someone is around you. That's you Will. I've always loved you. I didn't want to say anything, because I thought you didn't feel the same way. I'm gay Will...

He loved me. Jordan. My Jordan. Loved me.

"I love you too Jordan. I don't know what I would do without you. I would probably be dead by now. You saved me"

"I didn't want to tell you. I've been here for three hours, thinking what to say"

I kissed him. He kissed back.

Our lips were connected for a long time. I enjoyed it.

Once we stopped, we walked out of the airport. His hand in mine. I had my Jordan. My chestnut haired, green eyed, skinny, tattoo sleeved, Jordan. He was mine. My Jordan.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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